Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Cal-Jobs

The program has provided stimu- lus to the economically disadvantaged business community and addi- tional employment opportunities for the residents of these areas and in addition has generated additional tax revenues for every level of government. ' The Small Business Assistance Program has been equally successful in providing 205 businesses in low-income areas of the state with tech- nical and management assistance.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Corrections

The inmate is also required to provide his personal clothing, transportation, and other expenses including taxes, and a portion of his salary goes to his dependents. Cash repayments to the state are sufficient to reimburse 50 percent of the program costs for administration, supervision, and operating expenses.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Resources

For example, the state and federal departments of agriculture are' currently expending substantial amounts of tax moneys to reduce agricultural production, while federal and state water agencies are expanding agricultural production by increasing water supplies ,to irriga- ble lands.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Index

Teale Consolidated Data Center, 176 Subventions, see Local Assistance Supreme Court, 8 T Tahoe Regional Planning Compact (Resources), 416 Tax Assistance, Senior Citizens, 181 Tax Board, Franchise, 251 Taxes and Tax Relief, 106, 176, 181, 182, 185, 186, 199,251 Teachers' Retirement System, 325 Teale, Stephen P., Data Center, 176

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Tax Relief

Item 82 PROPERTY TAX RELIEF / 135 \ Tax Rate Increase The budget estimate is based on a property tax rate of $11.64 which is 10 cents above the current year tax rate. We believe this rate may be low for the following reasons: 1.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

Fundhig sources are determined as follows: programs generally benefiting the public are financed from the General Fund; programs generally benefiting the agri- cultural· industry are financed through the Department of Agriculture Food by special taxes, fees or charges paid by the industry; and programs benefiting the public and industry jointly are supported jointly.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Health and Welfare

Fund Balance We recommend that legislation be enacted requiring a higher balance in· the Unemployment Fund for the triggering of the low tax schedule. State law requires that employers be taxed on a low tax rate whenever . the balance in the Unemployment Fund at the end of the calendar year equals or exceeds a ratio of 4.75 percent of taxable wages.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Index

Teale, 356 Intergovernmental Board on, 118 Statewide, 97 Emergency Fund-Reserve for Contingencies. 157 Emergency Services, Office of (Governor's office), 19 Employee Benefits, Continue 1974-75 Base, 154 Employee Benefits, Depool PERS. 155 Employee Benefits Increase, 158 Employees' Retirement System, Public, 254 Employer·Employee Relations. 126 Employment Agencies, Bureau of, 177 Employment

[PDF] This high rate of growth in 197fr..77 reflects anticipated

This high rate of growth in 197fr..77 reflects anticipated substantial gains in all three major taxes, with sales taxes up 10.8, percent, personal income taxes up 18.7 percent and bank and corporation taxes up 23.3 percent.

[PDF] The allocation of general revenue sharing among the recipient

The allocation of general revenue sharing among the recipient governments for each entitlement period is made according to statutory formulas using data such as population, general tax effort, and income tax collections.