Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] A Perspective on the California Economy

Office of the Legislative Analyst December 1988 Preface The condition of the state's economy is of paramount importance to California's citi- zens and public officials. Because the econ- omy is responsible for providing people with their jobs and income, its health is probably the single greatest determinant of the living standards and overall quality of life ofCalifor- nians.

[PDF] The Public Utilities Commission: A Review of Regulatory Fee Funding

$1,000, over $10 million ($50 minimum) ApplicationlTransfer Fees $500 (application), $150 (transfer) N/A Fee in Lieu of City Tax on Intercity Transportation 1110 of 1% of gross operating revenue (.001) $4,335,000 , 'n Application, Renewal Fees I $500 (initial), $300 (renewal) I $539,000 I If fir ""I ApplicationlTransfer Certificate of Public I $500 (application),

[PDF] State Reimbursement of Mandated Local Costs: A Review of Statutes Funded in 1987

("General plans" provide a comprehensive statement of a city or county's plans for future develop- ment.) 2. The mandate appears to serve a statewide interest. The state has an interest in ensuring a known supply of mineral resources.

[PDF] State Spending Plan for 1989-90

Secondly, the legislation provides that the Controller shall transfer the necessary funds from the General Fund to the Retirement Fund beginning in 1990-91 and increasing annually thereafter. Switch in Funding for Resources Programs -- California Water Fund.

[PDF] State Reimbursement of Mandated Costs: A Review of Statutes Funded in 1988

Commission on State Mandates Action The City of Madera Police Department filed a test claim with the Commission on State Mandates (COSM) on June 23, 1986 alleging that the state should reimburse it for costs mandated under Chapters 1609 and 668.

[PDF] 1995-96 Budget Overview Selected Departments and Capital Outlay

This reduction reflects half-year funding for the commission under the Governor's proposal to abolish the commission and transfer its functions to a new Department of Energy and Conservation effective January 1, 1996.

[PDF] Counties and the State Budget

The statewide average GPR per capita in 1992-93 was roughly $279, excluding San Francisco (which as a city and county is not comparable to other counties), with over 80 percent of counties having per capita GPR of $200 - $500.

[PDF] Focus Budget 1995: Highlighting Major Features of the 1995 California Budget

The budget includes a one-time transfer of $20 million from the Employment Training Fund to support the GAIN Program, for a corresponding Gen- eral Fund savings in 1995-96. The budget also reflects a General Fund reduction of $20 million for the GAIN Program, with the funding to be replaced by a reappropriation of prior-year unexpended balances in the program.

[PDF] Personal Responsibility Act of 1995: Fiscal Effect on California

Because existing funding for school nutrition programs is included in both block grants, we assumed that 20 percent of the Family Nutrition Block Grant would be transferred to support school nutrition programs.

[PDF] The Governor's 1995-96 State-County Realignment Proposal

Accordingly, we recommend transferring the state- operated programs to the counties ($4.6 million) as part of the realign- ment, and adjusting the amount of sales tax transferred to counties to reflect these increased costs.