Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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1997-98 Budget Analysis, Transportation Overview

Transfer of Intercity Rail Service Under Negotiation Chapter  1263, Statutes of 1996 (SB 457, Kelley) authorized the transfer of intercity rail service from Caltrans to regional boards. Regional boards have expressed several concerns that ha ve slowed the negotiations for the transfer (see page A-44).

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Transportation Overview

In addition, as in the current year, the budget proposes to suspend in 2005-06 the transfer of "spillover " sales tax revenue from the General Fund to the Public Transportation Account (PTA) for various rail and transit programs.

[PDF] CalWORKs Program and Budget

.  TANF Transfers. States may also transfer some of their TANF funds into the Title XX Social Services Block Grant or the Child Care Development Fund. Although TANF is the primary federal source of funding for the CalWORKs program, the broad pur- poses of TANF and fl exible transfer provisions allow states to use TANF funds for many different programs.

[PDF] Overview of Cal Grants

Transfer Entitlement (A and B) • CCC student under age 28 transferring to a four-year school. • Minimum community college GPA of 2.4. Competitive (A and B) • An individual ineligible for one of the entitlement awards, typically due to age or time out of high school. • Minimum GPA requirements same as for entitlement awards.

[PDF] Analysis of Proposed Additional Resources for DOJ Legal Workload

For example, little meaningful information is provided in statutorily required LDF reports and DOJ has little incentive to transfer monies from the LDF to its special funds that support its workload, which are subject to more legislative oversight. „ Based on limited DOJ-provided data, we estimate that roughly 60 percent of the LDF fund balance could be transferred to various DOJ special funds.

[PDF] Analysis of Proposed Additional Resources for DOJ Legal Workload

For example, little meaningful information is provided in statutorily required LDF reports and DOJ has little incentive to transfer monies from the LDF to its special funds that support its workload, which are subject to more legislative oversight. „ Based on limited DOJ-provided data, we estimate that roughly 60 percent of the LDF fund balance could be transferred to various DOJ special funds.

[PDF] Parole consideration, credits, and the prosecution of juveniles in adult court, Amendment No. 1.

Juvenile Transfer Hearings. The measure modifies statute regarding fitness hearings to require that all youths have a hearing in juvenile delinquency court before they can be transferred to adult criminal court.

2009 Initiative Analysis: The Best Practices Budget Accountability Act (Amendment #1-S)

One-time expenditures include the following: Transfers to what the measure describes as the “Budget Stabilization Fund.” (We assume this provision would be interpreted to allow transfer to the BSA established by Proposition  58.)

The 2022-23 Budget: In-Home Supportive Services

Feb 2, 2022 - These savings will be transferred to the HCBS ARP Fund and spent on federally approved HCBS enhancements and expansions. The Governor ’s budget reflects the baseline IHSS  savings and transfer of funds in the Department of Health Care Services budget.