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Labor and Workforce (209)
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Results for irish state pension in Labor and Workforce

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MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 7 (Protective Services and Public Safety) [Publication Details]

Aug 25, 2006 - The remainder results from additional hiring authorized by the Legislature in the budget or state health contributions required under the current MOU. Reports by Policy Area

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 5 (California Highway Patrol) [Publication Details]

Aug 18, 2006 - By 2010-11, annual state costs could be $100 million higher than suggested in the administration estimate. In addition, various factors including pay and benefits for CHP and funding demands in the Department of Motor Vehicles are likely to put stress on the financial condition of the state Motor Vehicle Account, which funds Unit 5 personnel costs.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 8 (Firefighters) [Publication Details]

Jun 2, 2006 - We provide a fiscal analysis of the proposed MOU with Bargaining Unit 8, Firefighters. We believe that the Department of Personnel Administratrtion's (DPA) estimates of additional costs resulting from the MOU are too low. We estimate that net costs for the state will likely increase by at least $13 million in 2006-07 and $12 million in 2007-08 ($6 million more than indicated by DPA in each year).

Retirement Contributions in 2006-07: New Policy Should Reduce Rate Volatility [Publication Details]

Feb 23, 2006 - The retirement contribution rates set by CalPERS for the state and many local governments were volatile in the late 1990s and the early part of this decade. Governments had difficulty predicting annual contributions during their budgeting process. In 2005, CalPERS adopted a comprehensive rate stabilization policy.

Retiree Health Care: A Growing Cost For Government [Publication Details]

Feb 17, 2006 - The costs of providing health care to retired state employees and their dependents—now approaching $1 billion per year—are increasing significantly. Many other public employers (including the University of California, school districts, cities, and counties) face similar pressures. This report discusses health benefits provided to retired public employees, focusing on state retirees.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 2 (Attorneys and Hearing Officers)—Revised [Publication Details]

Jan 23, 2006 - The side letter reduces the amount of savings the MOU otherwise would have produced for the state. The magnitude of the foregone savings is unknown since it would have depended on future decisions of Unit 2 employees.

Addressing Public Pension Benefits and Cost Concerns [Publication Details]

Feb 22, 2005 - Addressing Public Pension Benefits and Cost Concerns [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Alternative Retirement Benefit Programs [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - These alternatives would result in more state savings and benefits compared to the administration’s proposal. Reports by Policy Area

State Retirement Contributions [Publication Details]

Feb 19, 2003 - State Retirement Contributions [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

State Retirement Contributions [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2002 - State Retirement Contributions [Publication Details] HTML Description: We recommend that the retirement proposals be rejected because they are very costly. These costs would total over $13 billion, be paid over many years, and tie up future state revenues.