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[PDF] Transportation Funding Instability Continues

Transportation Funding Instability Continues Joel Riphagen Legislative Analyst’s Office LAO Budget Proposes Transportation Aid To General Fund Budget proposes $1.5 billion to aid General Fund Tribal gaming bonds deferred to budget year Proposition 42 protected in future, but repayments delayed LAO Major Transportation Loans and Transfers to General Fund, Including

The 2016-17 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 5, 2016 - In addition, the budget plan assumes property tax revenue increases by $419  million due to the triple flip ending, thereby completing the shift of revenue from cities, counties, and special districts to school districts and community colleges.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Cal-Jobs

A total of $286,086 of the $406,988 will be transferred to the State Job Develop- ment Loan Guarantee Fund and the balance, $120,902, will be used for support of staff and for the Small Business Assistance Program.

[PDF] Overview of the Judicial Branch Budget

Much of these General Fund reductions have been offset by increased funding from alternative sources, such as special fund transfers and fee increases. Total Judicial Branch Funding Since 2000-01 (In Billions) 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10b 10-11b 11-12 12-13 (estimated) 13-14 (proposed) Realigned Court Securitya General Fund a 2011 realignment shifted responsibility for funding most court security costs from the state General Fund to counties.

Overview of the 2004-05 Governor's Budget

The growth in LPT results from a combination of natural growth in school LPT, a proposal to transfer additional property tax revenues from local governments to school districts through the Education Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF), and transfers of ERAF revenues from school districts to local governments as part of the "triple flip " payment mechanism for the Economic Recovery Bond on the March  2, 2004 ballot.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: K-12 Introduction

However, technical adjustments to the VLF swap and triple flip amounts require an additional $675  million to be transferred from schools to local government. Thus, the growth in local property tax revenues in 2005-06 is only $401  million (3.6  percent).

[PDF] Overview of State Financial Aid Programs

Background on California Student Aid Commission Student Aid Commission Programs Cal Grant Programs Loan Assumption Programs Cal Grant High School Entitlement A and B Assumption Program of Loans for Education (APLE) Cal Grant Transfer Entitlement A and B State Nursing APLE (SNAPLE) Cal Grant Competitive A and B Graduate APLE Cal Grant C (Occupational or Technical) National Guard

[PDF] Funding for Transportation Programs: Issues and Challenges

Proposition 42 (2002) requires a portion of gasoline sales tax revenue to be transferred to TIF, which is estimated at $1.5 billion for 2008-09. Funds are allocated by formula to various purposes. Proposition 1B Bond Program.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: General Government: Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund Deficit

To ensure that the amount budgeted for the transfer is sufficient each year, the budget bill lists a higher amount ($50 million in the 2009-10 Budget Bill , for example) and provides that any portion of that amount not required to be transferred to the RSTF remains in the SDF.

Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2013-14 Budget

The proposal is consistent with and necessary to implement the reorganization plan enacted in 2012-13. 2-19-13 Transfer of $200 million in court construction funds to the General Fund Approve Governor's January proposal to transfer $200 million from the Immediate and Critical Needs Account to the General Fund because of the fiscal benefit it provides the state.