Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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An Evaluation of the Institute of Computer Technology [Publication Details]

Sep 1, 1985 - The Institute of Computer Technology (ICT) was established in 1982 by three school districts in Santa Clara County—Sunnyvale Elementary, Fremont Union High School, and Los Gatos Joint Union High School. The purpose of the institute is to provide education and training in computer technology for children and adults.

A Review of California's Child Support Enforcement Program [Publication Details]

Sep 1, 1985 - This report reviews California's Child Support Enforcement program and the prospects for increasing support payments. The first chapter describes the structure of California's Child Support Enforcement program, recent collection experience, and the prospects for growth in collections under current practices.

Cogeneration Equipment Investments: The Effects of Rapid Amortization [Publication Details]

Jun 1, 1985 - In 1980, the California Legislature enacted AB 1404 (Chapter 1328, Statutes of 1980), which shortened the time period over which certain cogeneration equipment can be depreciated for California tax purposes.

An Analysis of Findings From the San Diego Job Search and Work Experience Demonstration Program [Publication Details]

May 1, 1985 - The San Diego Job Search and Work Experience Demonstration program was established in 1982 for the purpose of determining the impact that specific employment services have on applicants for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC).

An Analysis of California's Tax Credit for Solar-Powered Irrigation Pumping Systems [Publication Details]

May 1, 1985 - An Analysis of California's Tax Credit for Solar-Powered Irrigation Pumping Systems [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Administration of the Insurance Tax Program: A Case for Limited Reform [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 1985 - Administration of the Insurance Tax Program: A Case for Limited Reform [Publication Details] Administration of the Insurance Tax Program: A Case for Limited Reform Format: PDF Description: As a result of questions raised by state agencies and legislative staff regarding the administration of the insurance tax, the Legislature enacted Ch 994/80.

State "Pickup" of Employee Retirement Contributions [Publication Details]

Jan 1, 1985 - The state Department of Personnel Administration (DPA) is in the process of implementing administratively a federal tax provision allowing the state to "pick up" mandatory employee retirement contributions. Implementation of the pickup program would result in increased take-home pay to state employees—due primarily to reduced federal tax liabilities—at no direct cost to the state.

The Use of Mortgage Revenue Bonds in California [Publication Details]

Jan 1, 1985 - This report was prepared in response to the directive contained in Chapter 323. Chapter I provides background information on the use of mortgage revenue bonds (MRBs) in California and on the federal government's role in regulating their issuance. In Chapter II, we discuss state and local data relating to units produced and households assisted under these housing programs.

California's Parimutuel Horse Racing Tax [Publication Details]

Dec 5, 1984 - California's Parimutuel Horse Racing Tax [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Why Aren't Revenue Estimates More Accurate? [Publication Details]

Nov 1, 1984 - The Legislature relies heavily on these estimates in deciding at what levels to fund state programs, how much money should be 11 put aside in reserves, and whether taxes should be raised or lowered. Consequently, the more accurate revenue estimates are, the more successful the Legislature can be in accomplishing its fiscal objectives--that is, selecting a combination of