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2001 Budget Analysis:In-Home Supportive Services

Starting in 2001-02, state participation in the $1 hourly wage increases is contingent upon the state achieving General Fund revenue growth (excluding transfers) of 5 percent. For example, if General Fund revenues (excluding transfers) in 2001-02 exceed General Fund revenues (excluding transfers) in 2000-01 by 5 percent, state participation in a $1 wage inc rease is triggered in 2001-02.

[PDF] Governor’s May Revision Proposals: Student Aid Commission

. – New entitlement awards increased 4 percent in current year compared with January projections, primarily at CSU (CCC transfers) and CCC (high school graduates). – Dream Act participation accounts for $5.8 million of 2014-15 increase.  Increase cost estimate for expanding Cal Grant renewal eligibility from $14.9 million to $15.8 million.  Reduce loan assumption program

[PDF] Overview of the 2002-03 May Revision

H I L L • L E G I S L A T I V E A N A LY S T LAO 60 YEARS OF SERVICE Overview of the 2002-03 May Revision The Governor’s May Revision addresses an enormous increase in the state’s budget short- fall through a variety of spending reductions, tax increases, fund transfers, and additional borrowing.

Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2011-12 Budget

The  level of realignment funding that would be transferred to local governments under the Governor 's plan is highly uncertain, as it depends  on the outcome of the  SRA reclassification effort that has yet to begin and  for which guiding criteria have yet to be developed.

[PDF] The 2003-04 Assembly Budget Bill AB 100 (Oropeza)

Transportation • Rejects Governor’s proposal to transfer only $207 million from the General Fund to the Transportation Investment Fund (TIF) under Proposition 42 and to retain $938 million in the General Fund.

The 2014-15 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Budget

For the four fiscal years of 2011 –12 through 2014 –15 combined, the administration ’s forecast of total General Fund revenues and transfers is now $6.7 billion higher than last year ’s budget act forecast.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Intersegmental: Higher Education Admissions and Enrollment

Under CSU's enrollment management policies, campuses can also limit or not accept applications from lower-division transfer students. Such students can essentially "defer " their transfer to the university until after they finish their lower-division coursework at a community college.

The 2021-22 Budget: Assessment of CalHEERS Dashboard

Mar 25, 2021 - CWDA and SEIU identified several defects in the system, such as the delayed transfer of individuals between Medi ‑Cal and subsidized health coverage through Covered California when their income changes (which leads, in some cases, to coverage delays and avoidable premium charges), and the inflexible assignment of individuals to one county even when an individual moves and their case is being processed in another county.

LAO Publications

Furthermore, he proposes to permanently firewall Proposition 42 funds after 2006-07 by prohibiting suspension of the transfer from the General Fund. We highlight a number of policy issues that the Legislature should consider as it reviews the Governor's proposals.

LAO Publications

Furthermore, he proposes to permanently firewall Proposition 42 funds after 2006-07 by prohibiting suspension of the transfer from the General Fund. We highlight a number of policy issues that the Legislature should consider as it reviews the Governor's proposals.