Results for 서울시 tax

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LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Local Government Financing (9210)

This program provides funds ($1.6爉illion) to backfill property tax revenues lost by local governments due to specified natural disasters. Booking Fees. The administration proposes $40爉illion to reestablish payments to local agencies paying jail booking fees to counties.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Getting Better Budget Information

Additionally, the administration also prepares each year information indicating how Proposition 99 tobacco tax revenues are proposed to be distributed in the current and budget yea rs under the budget plan for various state departments and specific programs (mainly for health, tobacco education, and resources).

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Medi-Cal (4260)

Specifically, the lawsuit is expected to assert that the clawback requirement impermissibly infringes on states’ legislative power by requiring them to pay for a federal program, in effect imposing a federal tax on states and infringing on state sovereignty with an invalid condition on the receipt of federal funds.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Public Health

The Governor’s proposed budget reflects a series of changes in the use of tobacco tax revenues deposited into the Proposition 99 special fund, including requests for: (1) $4 milli on and five positions to continue the implementation of the statewide asthma prevention program, (2) $7.4 million in one-time funding to address tobacco use and cessation in certai n populations, and

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Department of Mental Health (4440)

Counties reimburse the state hospitals using funds they receive f rom the state under the 1991 state-local realignment of tax revenues and mental health program responsibilities. About 90 percent of occupied beds are now utilized for forensic pat ients while about 10 percent are purchased by the counties.

Highlights of the 2006-07 Analysis

Instead, we recommend that Proposition 42 be repealed and that the gas tax be increased correspondingly to generate an equivalent amount of funds for transportation. We also recomm end that the tax be indexed to inflation to prevent the erosion of the revenue over time relative to road use. ( Analysis, page A-38 .)

Eighth Annual LAO Budget Quiz: Answer #10

Eighth Annual LAO Budget Quiz: Answer #10 Eighth Annual LAO Budget Quiz Answer to Question #10: (B) The difference between the amount of taxes legally owed to the state and the amount actually remitted by taxpayers. ( See our write-up in the Analysis page F-62 )

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Department of Fish and Game (3600)

The FGPF receives revenues from hunting and fishing licenses and taxes, commercial fishing permits and fees, and environmental review fees paid by project proponents. Each of these revenues can be used for a broad range of purposes related to the activities for which they were collected and are therefore referred to as “nondedicated” accounts by the department.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Department of Transportation (2660)

The Governor’s Strategic Growth Plan proposes to divert a quarter of excise tax and weight fee revenues to debt service on revenue bonds to support non-maintenance and non-rehabili tation activities for 30 years beginning in 2015.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Department of Motor Vehicles (2740)

Additionally, DMV licenses and regulates vehicle-related businesses such as automobile dealers and driver training schools, and a lso collects certain fees and tax revenues for state and local agencies.