Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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LAO Publications

Format: April 7, 2016 - Presented to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 1 on Education Format: Options for Modifying the State Child Care Tax Credit April 7, 2016 - The Child and Dependent Care Expenses Credit (“child care tax credit” or “credit”) is a provision of the state income tax code that allows filers with income below

LAO Publications

Specifically, the proposals would: (1) create the Senior Home Safe program at the Department of Social Services (DSS), (2) augment the current Californi a Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Housing Support Program and CalWORKs Homeless Assistance Program at DSS, and (3) provide one-time funding to the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) for county mental health services.

LAO Publications

W e also provide in-depth analysis of the Governor's proposals for the Local Control Funding Formula, preschool, education mandates, special education, county offices of education, a nd the High Speed Network.

LAO Publications

Estimates of state personal income taxes and required school funding are up significantly. In allocating discretionary resources in the 2016-17 budget, the Governor prio ritizes growing state budget reserves.

LAO Publications

The plan also creates a new state earned income tax credit to increase the after-tax income of low-income workers. Format:

LAO Publications

In this report, we describe the impact of Proposition 47 on state corrections, state courts, and the county criminal justice system, as well as the Governor’s budget proposals related to the proposition.

LAO Publications

Whether tax revenues grow further, stagnate, or, in the worst case, decline in 2015-16 will depend in large part on trends in volatil e capital gains and business income. Format:

LAO Publications

In addition, we project over $700 million more in local property taxes for school districts. If the Legislature were to adopt our offi ce's higher revenue forecast and property tax estimates, General Fund spending under Proposition 98 would increase $2.7 billion, relative to the administration's May forecast.

LAO Publications

T his report does not make recommendations regarding the tax credit or any proposed legislation. We highlight several factors for the Legislature to consider when reviewing the tax c redit in our report.

LAO Publications

This visual guide explains California's tax system using over 40 data visualizations. The report examines various characteristics of the tax system including what items are taxed, who pays the taxes, and how taxes are used.