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[PDF] Consolidating California's Statewide Automated Welfare Systems

For example, the Legislature may want monthly or as-needed updates during key points, such as the testing and piloting of LRS or the transfer of data during the migration effort. Consider reConCiling Chapters 7 and 13 Chapter 7’s goals deal mainly with streamlining the eligibility determination processes for health and human services programs.

[PDF] The 2014-15 Budget: Governor’s Criminal Justice Proposals

However, the repeated transfer of dollars from these three funds has greatly reduced their fund balances. As a result, additional transfers would likely delay planned projects or reduce certain services typically supported by the fund (such as judicial education programs and self-help centers).

[PDF] The 2015-16 Budget: Analysis of the Human Services Budget

This transfer, at an estimated $698 million in 2015-16, also directly offsets General Fund spending in CalWORKs. Finally, in 2013, the state also redirected future growth in certain other realignment funds to pay for the costs of future CalWORKs grant increases.

[PDF] The 2015-16 Budget: Improved Budgeting for the Department of State Hospitals

Specifically, Chapter 29, Statutes of 2012 (AB 102, Committee on Budget), eliminated the Department of Mental Health (DMH) and transferred the responsibility for delivering inpatient behavioral health services to patients at state hospitals from DMH to DSH.

[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: Higher Education Analysis

Such models have the potential to speed the curriculum development and approval process (much as they did for associate degrees for transfer under the state’s recent transfer reform initiative). Potential CCC policy changes could include specifying the respective roles for each curriculum review, minimizing overlap among them, and providing a fast-track approval process for programs that meet the requirements of model curricula.

[PDF] Governor’s May Revision: Budget Trailer Bill Changes to the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act

Transfers licensing authority for marijuana testing laboratories from DPH to DCA. „ Product Packaging and Safety. Adds requirements for labeling and child-proof packaging. Defines and prohibits misbranding and the sale of adulterated products. „ Protection of Instream Flows.

[PDF] The Administration’s Sacramento Office Building Construction Strategy: Ensuring Robust Oversight

Using criteria such as size, ownership (state-owned versus privately owned), and access to transportation, the evaluation rated the seven best sites as “superior” and nine additional sites as “good.”

[PDF] The 2017-18 Budget: Alternatives to the Governor’s Proposition 2 Proposals

Proposition 2 also made eligible reimbursements for pre-2004 mandate claims from cities, counties, and special districts, but the 2014-15 budget paid off these outstanding claims. We describe each of the remaining eligible liabilities in greater detail below.

[PDF] Youth Reinvestment Other Programs

Examples of funded programs include a range of after-school and mentoring programs in Culver City and a program in Alameda County that provides services to at-risk or justice-involved youth (such as a late-night sports league, case management, and mentorship). „ Two tribes have received funding, including the Pinoleville Pomo Nation in Mendocino County, which received $900,000 for a plan to reduce probation, suspension, and dropout rates among tribal youth.

[PDF] Overview of Student Housing

Typically, after some period (for example, 30 years), operation of the facility transfers to the campus. „ Donors. Some projects are covered using philanthropic support. Most Common Approaches Varies Among the Segments „ Two-thirds of community college student housing projects have been financed using local bonds, with one-third using a P3 arrangement. „ CSU campuses primarily use revenue bonds and reserves to finance projects.