Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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2005 Initiative Analysis: Redistricting Reform and Voter Empowerment Act

Define as a mandate certain transfers of financial responsibility between state and local governments. Debt-Service California issues general obligation (GO) bonds to finance major capital outlay projects such as roads, educational facilities, prisons, parks, water projects, and office buildin gs.

[PDF] The California Live Within Our Means Act (version 9)

Proposal This measure prohibits the suspension of Proposition 42 transfers after 2006-07. The total amount of transfers that were suspended through June 30, 2007 would be paid within 15 years, at an annual rate of no less than one-fifteenth of the cumulative amount owed.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Tobacco Tax, Disease Prevention and Children's Health Insurance Act of 2006 (version 1)

Children up to age two in families with incomes below 300  percent of FPL, and who have transferred from the state's Access for Infants and Mothers program, also receive coverage under HFP. Children for whom HFP applications are filed must generally be an eligible United States citizen or a qualified alien.

[PDF] Cultivation, use, possession, and sale of marijuana.

The measure authorizes cities and counties to regulate the time, place, and manner of possession, cultivation or consumption of marijuana so long as such regulations do not prohibit the private cultivation, possession, or use of marijuana by individuals age 21 or older.

[PDF] Retirement benefits for state and local governmental employees in California (Amendment No.1).

For example, a city might choose to close its fire department and instead contract fire protection services with the county. In such a case, the city would terminate its pension plan associated with its firefighters.

[PDF] General obligation bonds for water programs and projects. (Amendment No. 1).

Maintain Annual Transfer of Funds to the Habitat Conservation Fund. Under current law, the State Controller annually transfers 10 percent of the funds (about $6.2 million) from a certain Hon. Kamala D.

[PDF] Child Care Realignment

“Rebenching” Proposition 98 to Reflect Transfer of Child Care Programs. As part of transferring most child care programs out of Proposition 98, the Governor proposes to rebench the minimum guarantee downward by the amount of Proposition 98 funds provided to these programs in 2002-03.

[PDF] Overview of Charter School Proposals

.  Governor’s Proposal  Transfers administration of FGP and RLF from CDE to CSFA.  Recommend Adopting Governor’s Proposal to Transfer Programs to CSFA  The FGP and RLF are similar to other programs administered by CSFA.

[PDF] Overview of the 1995-96 May Revision

. -$459 -$566 -$107 Revenues and transfers ................. 42,538 42,685 146 Total resources available ............. $42,078 $42,119 $41 Expenditures ................................... $41,726 $41,800 $74 Fund balance .................................. $352 $319 -$33 a Detail may not add to totals due to rounding. • A reduction in realignment savings to the state ($166 million).

[PDF] Update California: Economic and Budget Developments

. -17.0 49.7 Nondeposit credit -13.4 41.0 Legal services -9.5 53.6 Computers -6.4 46.9 Insurance agents -5.0 40.9 Insurance carriers -4.6 42.2 Printing/publishing -4.2 33.1 Electric/gas/sanitation -3.7 49.0 Industries with Largest Job Gains June 1993 Th June 1995 (In Thousands) Job Average Gains Annual Business services 113.6 $26.1 Special trades 28.9 29.5 Eating/drinking 25.6 10.3 Wholesale