Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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2003 Initiative Analysis: Car Buyers’ Bill of Rights

These financing deals are often then transferred (usually at a profit for the dealer) to anothe r company to service the loans. Such sales are referred to as “conditional contract sales.” In far fewer instances, however, car dealers arrange financing for a buyer directly with a “third-party” lender such as a credit union.

[PDF] Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act

For example, during this period, the Legislature enacted laws that: • • • Annually transfer over $5 billion of property taxes from cities, counties, and special districts to K-14 districts. The increased school property taxes, in turn, reduce the state’s K-14 spending obligations by a commensurate amount.

2003 Initiative Analysis: The People’s Gaming Act

The measure also requires each city to appoint a local commission to investigate applicants for a gaming license. The local commissions would also supervise gaming within each city and establish licensing fees and taxes.

[PDF] The People’s Gaming Act

The measure also requires each city to appoint a local commission to investigate applicants for a gaming license. The local commissions would also supervise gaming within each city and establish licensing fees and taxes.

2004 Initiative Analysis: California Budget Deficit Prevention Act

The Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies (cities, counties, special districts, and K-14 school and community college districts) for the cost of implementing a state mandated “new program” or “higher level of service,” unless the mandate pertains to a crime or infraction or other conditions apply.

[PDF] California Budget Deficit Prevention Act, Amendment No. 1-S

The Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies (cities, counties, special districts, and K-14 school and community college districts) for the cost of implementing a state mandated “new program” or “higher level of service,” unless the mandate pertains to a crime or infraction or other conditions apply.

[PDF] Indian Gaming Fair-Share Revenue Act of 2004, Amendment No. 1-NS

These payments would be in lieu of any other fees, taxes, or levies that may be charged by the state, cities, or counties against the tribes on its authorized gaming activities. The measure specifies that the state could spend these revenues for any purpose.

[PDF] California Home Rule Amendment

This measure transfers some K-14 district excess property taxes to cities and counties to implement the tax shift. All revenue that cities and counties shift to SAFE (in exchange for property taxes) are counted towards the Proposition 98 minimum funding guarantee, provided the revenues are used for education purposes.

2004 Initiative Analysis: California Scholarship Opportunity Act

At the same time, the measure would require the state to use Proposition  98 funds for scholarships both for students transferring from public to private schools and for students who would have attended private school absent this measure.

[PDF] California Scholarship Opportunity Act

At the same time, the measure would require the state to use Proposition 98 funds for scholarships both for students transferring from public to private schools and for students who would have attended private school absent this measure.