Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Revenue Options for the 1990-91 Budget

Together, these taxes accounted for over 90 percent of all state and local tax revenues. Various other levies such as the gross premiums insurance tax, death-related taxes, tobacco and alcoholic beverage taxes, parimutuel horseracing taxes and municipal utility and business taxes accounted for the remainder of California's tax burden.

[PDF] K-12 Education

Legislative Analyst's Office August 13, 1990 The 1990 Budget Act Sources of K-12 Revenuea Total Revenue $24.9 billion Local Property Tax Levies State General Fund a Figures exclude funding for library programs and the proceedsof stategeneral obligation bond Issues for school facilities ald.

[PDF] State Spending Plan for 1990-91: The 1990 Budget Act and Related Legislation

Enactment of these meas- ures provided an estimated $925 million in new gas tax and truck weight fee revenues for trans- portation purposes in 199?~91 (includin~ about $175 million subvened to CItIes and countIes out- side the Budget Act), and authorized $1 billion in general obligation bonds for rail.

[PDF] Proposition 99: An Update

i In November 1988, the voters approved Proposition 99, the Tobacco Tax and Health Protection Act, which established a surtax of 25 cents per package on cigarettes and an equivalent amount on all other tobacco products sold in California.

[PDF] Health Care in Rural California

Generally, this gap is made up with nonpatient revenue such as district tax revenue (for district hospitals), private contribu- tions, and county contributions (for county hospitals). Over time, operating shortfalls mean that the hospitals are unable to main- tain the physical plant, replace equipment, and make other capital improvements.

[PDF] Community Corrections

However, the role of these entities-especially counties-could expand in the fu- ture. Possible roles include providing direct treatment, services, and supervision, or coordination of services provided by private organizations.

[PDF] Focus Budget 1992 Local Government Funding

This is because AB 1344 contains the formula for distributing the remaining trial court funding block grants to counties and, without a statutory formula, the Controller will be unable to distribute approxi- mately $430 million to counties.

[PDF] The 1991-92 State and Local Program Realignment

Fiscal Impact on Counties: Fund Condition Ai; we discussed earlier, the VLF and sales tax increases were projected to raise approximately$2.2 billion inadditional revenues, which would fully offset anticipated county costs under realign- mentfor 1991-92.

[PDF] Counties would use a portion of the sales

Counties would use a portion of the sales tax revenues to reimburse the state for these offenders. Counties would be fully responsible for all juvenile offenders sentenced after July 1, 1993, and counties would receive Page 3 Page 4 a portion of the sales tax revenues to incarcerate, treat, and supervise these offenders.

[PDF] Overview of the Governor's Budget 1993-94

As incomes fall, the state’s progressive tax structure takes a smaller share of income in taxes. When economic recovery occurs and raises incomes, on the other hand, the tax burden will tend to rebound to former levels because of this progressive tax structure.