Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] CALFED Bay-Delta Program: 2003-04 Budget Proposal Issues for Legislative Consideration

Figure 1 Proposed Expenditures By Program Elementa 2003-04 (In Millions) Ecosystem restoration $136.5 Environmental Water Account 35.9 Water use efficiency 94.6 Water transfers 0.6 Watershed management 30.0 Drinking water quality 5.6 Levees 22.2 Water storage 31.1 Water conveyance 31.8 Science 23.3 Water supply reliabilityb 76.2 CALFED program management 8.8 Total CALFED

[PDF] A Budget Update

In fact, the two largest solutions— the issuance of additional defi cit-fi nancing bonds and suspend- ing the Budget Stabilization Account transfer—add future costs to the state’s General Fund. Special Session Actions Sale of additional deficit-financing bonds $3,313 Suspension of BSA transfer 1,509 Reduction of Medi-Cal provider rates 508 Reduction in

California Spending Plan 2001-02 Chapter 2

California Spending Plan 2001-02 Chapter 2 $137.1 a Program treated as a General Fund expenditure. b Tax relief is calculated using a base state sales tax rate of 4.75  percent through December 31, 2001, and 5  percent thereafter, and an effective date of September 1, 2001. c Excludes effect on Local Revenue Fund, Public Safety Fund, and local sales taxes. d First-year estimates consist of

2004-05 Budget Perspectives and Issues: Options for Addressing the State's Fiscal Problem

Eliminating the program would result in annual savings of $4  million for administrative costs and three years of approximately $10  million transfers to the General Fund from the reserve as guaranteed loans are paid off.

[PDF] CalWORKs Stage 3 Child Care

“Rebenching” Proposition 98 to Reflect Transfer of Child Care Programs. As part of transferring most child care programs out of Proposition 98, the Governor proposes to rebench the minimum guarantee downward by the amount of Proposition 98 funds provided to these programs in 2002-03.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Prop 98 Education Programs: Background

In tandem with his proposed cuts, the Governor proposes to allow school districts and community colleges to transfer funding among categorical programs, as well as from categorical programs to their general fund.

California's Options for Administering the Federal Family Education Loan Program

The fund is used to cover costs associated with defaulted loans, including: (1) repaying lenders for defaulted loans, (2) transferring to USDE its share of collection on default ed loans (typically 77 percent), (3) transferring to the Operating Fund the guarantor’s share of collections (typically 23 percent), and (4) transferring to the Operating Fund a guarantor’s reward for any successful default-aversion activities.

[PDF] Governance and Funding Options for Restoring the Salton Sea

Key features of the QSA include:  The transfer of up to 300,000 af per year of water from the Imperial Irrigation District to other Southern California water districts.  The lining of the All-American Canal to save an estimated 77,000 af per year in water from being lost.  Water Transfer Likely to Have Environmental Impacts.

1998 Cal Facts State Finances

Existing sales tax rates range from a low of 7.25 percent in counties with no local option taxes, to a high of 8.5 percent in the City and County of San Francisco. State Spending Has Recovered Following Recession Real, Per-Capita Spending (1998 Dollars) For 1998-99, total real per capita spending will be $1,627.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Board of Corrections (5430)

As stated above, the discontinuing of local assistance fu nding should have resulted in a reduction in workload, thereby reducing the number of staff needed to provide technical assistance to cities and counties regarding standards and tr aining.