Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] California Property Owners Protection Act

If the former owner reacquires the property, the measure specifies that the property shall be taxed at its precondemnation value. The measure is not clear as to whether it imposes limitations on public agency use of property (1) after this five-year period has expired or (2) if the former owner does not choose to reacquire the property.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Homeowners and Private Property Protection Act of 2006

The measure specifies that private property may not be taken or damaged without the consent of the property owners for purposes of economic development, increasing tax revenu e, private uses, or maintaining the present use by a different owner.

[PDF] Homeowners and Private Property Protection Act of 2006

The measure specifies that private property may not be taken or damaged without the consent of the property owners for purposes of economic development, increasing tax revenue, private uses, or maintaining the present use by a different owner.

2005 Initiative Analysis: California Eminent Domain Limitations Act

For instance, to the extent that the measure’s provisions prevented government from taking actions th at otherwise would have increased economic activity and state or local tax revenues, this measure would have a negative fiscal effect on government.

[PDF] California Eminent Domain Limitations Act

For instance, to the extent that the measure’s provisions prevented government from taking actions that otherwise would have increased economic activity and state or local tax revenues, this measure would have a negative fiscal Hon.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Clean Alternative Energy Act (version 1), Amendment #2-S

Proposal Severance Tax on Oil Production in California. Beginning in January 2007, the measure would impose a severance tax on oil production in California. (The term severance tax is commonly used to describe a tax on the production of any mineral or product taken from the ground, including oil.)

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Clean Alternative Energy Act (version 2), Amendment #2-S

Proposal Severance Tax on Oil Production in California. Beginning in January 2007, the measure would impose a severance tax on oil production in California. (The term severance tax is commonly used to describe a tax on the production of any mineral or product taken from the ground, including oil.)

[PDF] The Clean Alternative Energy Act (version 2), Amendment #2-S

Proposal Severance Tax on Oil Production in California. Beginning in January 2007, the measure would impose a severance tax on oil production in California. (The term severance tax is commonly used to describe a tax on the production of any mineral or product taken from the ground, including oil.)

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Tobacco Tax Act of 2006 (Amendment #1-NS)

Background Tobacco Taxes Existing Tax Rate. Current state law imposes excise taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products. The state’s cigarette tax is currently 87 cents per pack (with an equivalent tax on other types of tobacco products) and is levied on cigarette distributors who supply cigarettes to retail stores.

[PDF] The Tobacco Tax Act of 2006

BACKGROUND Tobacco Taxes Existing Tax Rate. Current state law imposes excise taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products. The state’s cigarette tax is currently 87 cents per pack (with an equivalent tax on other types of tobacco products) and is levied on cigarette distributors who supply cigarettes to retail stores.