Results for 서울시 tax

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2005 Initiative Analysis: The Worker Empowerment Act (version 1)

Increased costs may reduce bu siness profitability, thereby decreasing income tax revenues. Partially offsetting this decrease could be a gain in the gross premiums tax paid by insurance companies. The net ef fect of these impacts is not possible to estimate.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Worker Empowerment Act (version 2)

Increased costs may reduce bu siness profitability, thereby decreasing income tax revenues. Partially offsetting this decrease could be a gain in the gross premiums tax paid by insurance companies. The net ef fect of these impacts is not possible to estimate.

[PDF] The Worker Empowerment Act (version 2)

Increased costs may reduce business profitability, thereby decreasing income tax revenues. Partially offsetting this decrease could be a gain in the gross premiums tax paid by insurance companies. The net effect of these impacts is not possible to estimate.

[PDF] The Worker Empowerment Act (version 3)

Increased costs may reduce business profitability, thereby decreasing income tax revenues. Partially offsetting this decrease could be a gain in the gross premiums tax paid by insurance companies. The net effect of these impacts is not possible to estimate.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Protect Our Homes Act

The measure defines the term public use to exclude taking private property to transfer it to a nongovernmental owner for economic development, tax revenue enhancement, or other purposes that are not public use projects.

[PDF] The Protect Our Homes Act

The measure defines the term public use to exclude taking private property to transfer it to a nongovernmental owner for economic development, tax revenue enhancement, or other purposes that are not public use projects.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Punitive Damages

Second, since punitive damage awards are subject t o state income tax, it could potentially reduce state income tax revenues depending on individual taxpayers’ situations and how the money that is not awarded would otherwise be u sed.

[PDF] Punitive Damages

Second, since punitive damage awards are subject to state income tax, it could potentially reduce state income tax revenues depending on individual taxpayers’ situations and how the money that is not awarded would otherwise be used.

2006 Initiative Analysis: California Border Police Act

For example, a reduction in the number of undocumented workers co uld have the effect of shifting some income from the underground economy to the regular economy, resulting in a larger share of activity that is taxed.

[PDF] California Border Police Act

For example, a reduction in the number of undocumented workers could have the effect of shifting some income from the underground economy to the regular economy, resulting in a larger share of activity that is taxed.