Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] "Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000"

This measure would also likely result in the transfer to a state trust fund, and the subsequent reallocation to counties, of as much as $71 million annually in asset forfei- ture proceeds. About $10 million in asset forfeiture proceeds could be transferred from the state and as much as $61 million could be diverted from counties, cities, special districts, and school districts.

National Average School Funding Guarantee and Parental Right to Choose Quality Education Amendment

These net savings from students enticed to transfer to private schools would, however, be offset by costs for students who would have attended private school without the measure (as discussed below).

[PDF] Save Our State Amendment

SUMMARY OF FISCAL EFFECTS The measure could have the following major fiscal effects: • Increased costs to state and local governments (including schools) to verify citi- zenship or immigration status of students, parents, persons seeking health care and social services, and persons who are arrested.

The California Class Size Reduction Act

The measure, however, gives the Legislature the option of augmenting the sales tax revenues deposited in the CCSRF by transferring money from the General Fund to the CCSRF. Any such transfers would count as appropriations toward the Proposition  98 minimum funding guarantee.

[PDF] The California Class Size Reduction Act

The measure, however, gives the Legislature the option of augmenting the sales tax revenues deposited in the CCSRF by transferring money from the General Fund to the CCSRF. Any such transfers would count as appropriations toward the Proposition 98 minimum funding guarantee.

People's Gaming Act

This proposal also requires California City to provide a full-time, three-member commission for screening, investigating, and licensing applicants for a gaming license, as well as supervising gaming within the city and establishing licensing fees.

[PDF] The People's Gaming Act

MAJOR PROVISIONS OF THE INITIATIVE The initiative amends the State Constitution to provide Las Vegas- and Atlantic City-type gaming only in California City and one Indian reservation (to the exclusion of all other cities, counties, and Indian reservations in California) for a period of 28 years.

Investment of Tobacco Settlement Funds for Health

Similarly, there would be a commensurate revenue transfer from counties' current repositories for tobacco settlement payments to the local Tobacco Settlement Funds.

[PDF] Investment of Tobacco Settlement Funds for Health (Version A)

Similarly, there would be a commensurate reve- nue transfer from counties' current repositories for tobacco settlement payments to the local Tobacco Settlement Funds. Sincerely, _________________ Elizabeth G.

Investment of Tobacco Settlement Funds for Health

The local share will be further split among counties and specified cities. Under the terms of the MOU, the state's 58 counties will receive 90  percent of the local share. These monies will be distributed to the counties based on population.