Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] Investment of Tobacco Settlement Funds for Health (Version B)

The local share will be further split among counties and specified cities. Under the terms of the MOU, the state’s 58 counties will receive 90 percent of the local share. These monies will be distributed to the counties based on population.

Judicial Accountability Initiative Law

Third, the initiative provides that any judge removed from office as a result of obtaining three strikes from the special grand jury must forfeit at least half of his or her retire ment benefits, and that these forfeited benefits are to be transferred to the special grand jury operating trust fund.

[PDF] Judicial Accountability Initiative Law

Third, the initiative provides that any judge removed from office as a result of ob- taining three strikes from the special grand jury must forfeit at least half of his or her retirement benefits, and that these forfeited benefits are to be transferred to the special grand jury operating trust fund.

Home Rule, School Funding, and State/Local Fiscal Reform Initiative

Unknown, but likely significant, shifts in revenues among cities, counties, and special districts.

[PDF] Home Rule, School Funding, and State/Local Fiscal Reform Initiative, Amendment No. 1-S

The amounts of these shifts in revenues, including the shifting of sales tax revenues from cities to counties, would depend on the decisions made by the Legislature during the transition period. To the extent that cities and counties choose not to allocate property taxes to special districts currently receiving property tax revenues, these districts would experience a decrease in revenues.

The People's Gaming Act

Since this initiative would legalize all forms of Las Vegas and Atlantic City style gambling in California, tribes could, subject to a tribal-state compact, operate sim ilar activities on Indian lands.

[PDF] The People’s Gaming Act

Since this initiative would legalize all forms of Las Vegas and Atlantic City style gambling in California, tribes could, subject to a tribal-state compact, operate similar activities on Indian lands.

[PDF] Student eye examinations

We assume this would mean stu- dents entering kindergarten or students transferring into a district from another district, state, or a private school. Gradually, over a period of 12 years, the measure's require- ments would extend to all students in California's public schools.

[PDF] People's Gaming Act

This proposal also requires the cities and the Indian reservation to appoint a local commission to investigate applicants for a gaming license, supervise gaming within the city, and establish local licensing fees and taxes.

monorail transportation system demonstration program

Fiscal Effect The construction costs for monorail systems built in other cities around the world have ranged in the tens of millions of dollars per mile of rail. To the extent the Legislature ap propriates funds for this measure, the costs to the state would be at least in the hundreds of millions of dollars.