Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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Supplemental Report 1996-97 Fiscal Year

The budget provides $61,000 for acquisition of the existing Elk Creek Forest Fire Station located in Glenn County. This land is currently under a 49-year lease which will terminat e on June 30, 2000.

Major Features of the 1996 California Budget

This tax cut is in lieu of the Governor's proposal for a phased 15 percent reduction in both personal and corporation income taxes. The revised tax cut will reduce revenues by $85 milli on in 1996-97.

[PDF] Major Features of the 1996 California Budget Budget Brief

The maximum monthly grant for aged and disabled individuals (the largest cat- egory of recipients) will be reduced, in November 1996, from $626 to $596 in high-cost counties and to $568 in low-cost counties.

State Spending Plan for 1996-97 - Chapter 1

This tax cut is in lieu of the Governor's proposal for a phased 15 percent reduction in both personal and corporation income tax rates. The enacted tax cut is projected to reduce revenues by $85 million in 1996-97, growing to $290 million when fully implemented in 1998-99.

California's Fiscal Outlook 1996-97 Through 1998-99 Chapter 4

About 85 percent of total funding for these school programs is from the state General Fund and local property tax revenues. Public K-12 education in California is provided to about 5.5 million students--ranging from infants to adults--through about 1,060 locally governed school districts and county offices of education.

March 1996 California Update

The SDE allocated $17.1 million to counties and school districts for school-based tobacco education and cessation proj ects. Other factors also may have contributed to the decline in smoking in California.

[PDF] update

The SDE allocated $17.1 million to counties and school districts for school-based tobacco education and ces- sation projects. Other factors also may have contributed to the decline in smoking in California.

California Update, May 1996

During this same period, counties' three largest general purposes revenue sources -- the property tax, the sales tax (including Proposition 172 funds), and the vehicle license fee -- increased by a combined total of just 3.2 percent.


During this same pe- riod, counties’ three largest general purpose revenue sources—the property tax, the sales tax (including Proposition 172 funds), and the vehicle license fee—increased by a combined total of just 3.2 percent.

California Update, November 1996

About $164  million of the $466  million increase is due to unusually large estate tax payments. A large portion of these payments will be accrued back to 1995-96, thereby increasing the revenue totals for that year.