Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Fair Pay and Workplace Flexibility Act of 2006

Increases in income for low-wage employees would increase personal income tax receipts. To the extent that this higher income was spent on taxable goods, sales tax receipts also could rise. In cases where the higher minimum wage is passed along by businesses to customers in the form of higher product prices, sales tax receipts on those products would also increase.

2006 Initiative Analysis: Homeowners' Measure of Rights Act of 2006 (Amendment #1-S)

By increasing the number of lawsuits filed and increasing other construction requirements, the measure could have some effect on the size and profitability of the building industry, potentially reducing related state and local tax revenues.

[PDF] Homeowners' Measure of Rights Act of 2006 (Amendment #1-S)

By increasing the number of lawsuits filed and increasing other construction requirements, the measure could have some effect on the size and profitability of the building industry, potentially reducing related state and local tax revenues.

2006 Initiative Analysis: The Fairness in Marriage Act

In additio n, under the measure, married same-gender couples presumably could file joint state income tax returns. In many cases, this change in filing status would reduce the total amount of state income taxes paid by these married couples compared to the amount that they would have paid as single filers.

2006 Initiative Analysis: McCauley-Rooker Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act

The state also levies an estate tax payable upon death, equal to the amount of any available state tax credit allowed under the federal estate tax (currently zero). Finally, residential and commercial property is subject to a general-purpose local ad val orem property tax rate of up to 1  percent annually, plus any additional tax for voter-approved indebtedness.

[PDF] McCauley-Rooker Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act

The state also levies an estate tax payable upon death, equal to the amount of any available state tax credit allowed under the federal estate tax (currently zero). Finally, residential and commercial property is subject to a general-purpose local ad valorem property tax rate of up to 1 percent annually, plus any additional tax for voter-approved indebtedness.

2006 Initiative Analysis: The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative

(The law af fects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under current California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized.

[PDF] The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative

(The law affects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under current California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized.

2006 Initiative Analysis: The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative (version 2)

(The law af fects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under current California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized.

[PDF] The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative (version 2)

(The law affects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under current California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized.