Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] monorail transportation system demonstration program

Bill Lockyer 2 April 10, 2001 Fiscal Effect The construction costs for monorail systems built in other cities around the world have ranged in the tens of millions of dollars per mile of rail. To the extent the Legisla- ture appropriates funds for this measure, the costs to the state would be at least in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

California Clemency Board

Proposal This measure would repeal the Governor's authority to grant clemency and instead transfer clemency authority to the California Clemency Board, which would consist of county clemenc y boards.

Congestion Relief Transportation Trust Fund

By transferring revenues from the General Fund, the measure would not affect the amount of K-14 minimum school funding guaranteed by Proposition  98. However, the measure would result in fewer funds (by the transferred amount) for other non-Proposition  98 General Fund expenditures, including discretionary K-14 spending, higher education, health and social services, corrections, and local government tax-relief.

[PDF] Use of state sales tax revenues derived from the lease and sale of motor vehicles for transportation purposes

By transferring revenues from the General Fund, the measure would not affect the amount of K-14 minimum school funding guaranteed by Proposition 98. However, the measure would result in fewer funds (by the transferred amount) for other non-Propo- sition 98 General Fund expenditures, including discretionary K-14 spending, higher education, health and social services, corrections, and local government tax-relief.

Congestion Relief Transportation Trust Fund #2

As a result, a total of about $5.6  billion would be transferred from the General Fund in 2006-07 and increasing annually thereafter. By transferring revenues from the General Fund, the measure would not affect the K-14 minimum school funding guaranteed by Proposition  98.

Transportation Investment Fund

Fiscal Effect The measure would transfer on a permanent basis beginning 2006-07, state gasoline sales tax revenues that are deposited in the General Fund to transportation-related purposes. The amount that would be transferred from the General Fund is projected to be $1.4  billion in 2006-07 and would increase annually thereafter, depending on increases in gasoline prices and consumption.

[PDF] Use of state gasoline sales tax revenues for transportation purposes

Fiscal Effect The measure would transfer on a permanent basis beginning 2006-07, state gasoline sales tax revenues that are deposited in the General Fund to transportation-related purposes. The amount that would be transferred from the General Fund is projected to be $1.4 billion in 2006-07 and would increase annually thereafter, depending on in- creases in gasoline prices and consumption.

municipal utilities

This measure amends the State Constitution to explicitly give counties, cities, public districts, municipal corporations, and irrigation districts specific powers relating to the a cquisition, development, distribution, and sale of natural gas for public or private use.

[PDF] Local Governments and Natural Gas

Bill Lockyer 2 May 11, 2001 This measure amends the State Constitution to explicitly give counties, cities, public districts, municipal corporations, and irrigation districts specific powers relating to the acquisition, development, distribution, and sale of natural gas for public or private use.

[PDF] People's Gaming Act

The proposal also requires the cities and the Indian reservation to appoint a local commission to investigate applicants for a gaming license, supervise gaming within the city, and establish local licensing fees and taxes.