Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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Income Tax Withholding Tracker: December 1 - December 23 [EconTax Blog]

Dec 23, 2020 - Income Tax Withholding Tracker: December 1 - December 23 [EconTax Blog] Income Tax Withholding Tracker: December 1 - December 23 December 23, 2020 Brian Uhler Bottom Line:   California income tax withholding collections in December to date are 19 percent above December 2019.

[PDF] The 2019-20 Budget: Analysis of the Governor’s Mental Health Workforce Proposal

In 2018-19, counties are receiving $9.3 billion in funding for community mental health services. About half of funding for county mental health services is provided through block grants that grow on an annual basis in line with state tax revenues.

[PDF] State Spending Plan for 1989-90

The 1989 Budget Act and Related Major Legislation • Dedicating Specified Sales Tax Revenues ForTransportation. Additional sales tax revenues arising from increasing the gas tax would be used for specified transpor- tation programs rather thanbeingdepos- ited in the General Fund.

[PDF] Overview of State’s Child Care and Development System

Roughly $400 million annually in Proposition 10 tobacco tax funding supports various county- based activities, including preschool, child health care services, and professional development and stipends for child care providers.  Quality Improvement Activities.

Building Permits Update: January 2019 [EconTax Blog]

Mar 5, 2019 - Several southern California counties —Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside —had a particularly strong month  for multifamily permitting. These counties ’ January 2019 permitting totals were more than double their January average during the prior five years.

Federal Retrenchment and State Management [Publication Details]

Oct 21, 1983 - Bill includes four observations as follows. (1) The states' management of the retrenchment process—particularly in terms of the transition from categoricals to block grants—has been a solid success. (2) The relationship between federal and state tax policies is not what many of us were led to believe. (3) Faced with the inevitability of federal retrenchment, state governments

Fund Medi-Cal Eligibility of Juvenile Offenders Mandate

Apr 28, 2015 - In 2013, the Commission on State Mandates (CSM) determined t hat several activities carried out by county detention facilities and county welfare departments pursuant to Chapter 657 (collectively referred to as the Medi-Cal Eligibility of Ju venile Offenders mandate) are state-reimbursable mandates: County detention facilities must provide

Felony sentencing (Amendment #1). [Ballot]

Dec 2, 2015 - County Effects of Sentencing Changes. This measure would result in increased jail and probation costs to counties. This is because many offenders who have current or prior convictions for making criminal threats of violence, which would no longer be considered a serious felony under the measure, would serve their sentences in county jails or on county probation, rather than in state prison.

State legislative districts. [Ballot]

Sep 11, 2015 - County Election Responsibilities. California counties are responsible for conducting elections, including: dividing each county into precincts, establishing and providing places for voting, maintaining voter regist ration records, printing ballots and sample ballots, and transmitting election results to the Secretary of State.

COVID-19: Federal Health-Related Response

Mar 23, 2020 - To relieve state budgetary pressure caused by COVID-19 ’s likely impacts on state Medicaid expenditures and tax revenues, Congress approved a temporary 6.2  percentage point increase in the federal government ’s share of cost for state Medicaid programs.