Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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Taking Advantage of New Federal Higher Education Tax Credits

The act creates several new higher education-related tax incentives, including the "Hope Scholarship" and "Lifetime Learning" tax credits. These tax credits will dramatically reduce the after-tax price of tuition and fees for most middle-income California students (or their parents) by lowering their federal taxes.

California Counties: A Look at Program Performance, Part IV

California Counties: A Look at Program Performance, Part IV Legislative Analyst's Office, May 1998 California Counties A Look at Program Performance Part IV

California Counties: A Look at Program Performance,Appendix:

California Counties: A Look at Program Performance,Appendix: Finally, we received significant help and advice from the RAND Corporation and the Child Welfare Research Center at the University of California at Berkeley.

[PDF] A Primer on the Vehicle License Fee An LAO

..................................................... 6 IS THE VLF TAX DEDUCTIBLE? ................................................................... 7 WOULD LOCAL GOVERNMENTS BE AFFECTED BY A VLF TAX CUT?

Major Features of the 1998 California Budget

The revenues are distributed to cities and counties. Permanent Tax Cut The permanent provision of the tax cut provides that beginning January  1,  1999, each vehicle owner's VLF owed will be reduced by 25  percent.

[PDF] High Priority Projects in California

High Priority Projects in California TEA 21 High Priority Projects in California 1998 Through 2004 (Dollars in Millions) Counties Description Amount Project Costs Percent of Project Funded Solano - Contra Costa -Alameda- Santa Clara Construct capital improvements along I-680 corridor $2.3 $6.3 36% Butte / Yuba Improve SR 70 from Marysville Bypass to Oroville Freeway 6.3 172.0 4

State and Regional Economic Developments in California

Employment in the East Bay Counties also turned upward, b ut the rate of growth lagged somewhat in the early stages of the current economic expansion. Over the past two years, all counties within the Bay Area experienced healthy economic growth.

California Spending Plan, Chapter 3

  $15 million for the state's share of costs for a flood control project in San Joaquin County and $15 million for private property connections to sewer systems in coastal San Luis Obispo County. The Governor subsequently reduced the appropriation for the flood control project to $12.6 million and vetoed the $15 million for the sewer system infrastructure

[PDF] An LAO Report State Should Employ “Best Practices” On Information Technology Projects

Little testing had been done to determine whether the system could meet the needs of all the counties. In fact, the majority of counties had chosen the other pilot project as being more closely aligned with their business practices, but since it was not completed at the time the decision needed to be made, it was not chosen for statewide implementation.

Overhauling the State's Infrastructure

Currently, the state pays for state-owned infrastructure (suc h as universities, prisons, and state parks), but has also provided substantial infrastructure funding for local government (school districts, cities, counties, and special distric ts).