Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] California Cannabis Hemp Act of 2014

In addition, the Legislature could place an excise tax on the commercial sale of marijuana products of up to 10 percent of the retail price of the products. Such an excise tax would be in addition to any sales tax.

[PDF] Our Children, Our Future: Local Schools and Early Education Investment and Bond Debt Reduction Act

The additional marginal tax rates would be higher as taxable income increases. For income of PIT filers currently in the highest current tax bracket (9.3 percent marginal tax rate, excluding the mental health tax), additional marginal tax rates would rise as income increases.

2011 Initiative Analysis: Our Children, Our Future: Local Schools and Early Education Investment and Bond Debt Reduction Act

The additional marginal tax rates would be higher as taxable income increases. For income of PIT filers currently in the highest current tax bracket (9.3  percent marginal tax rate, excluding the mental health tax), additional marginal tax rates would rise as income increases.


TAX ADMINISTRATION The Tax Administration program administers the Inheritance and Gift Tax Laws, collects various minor taxes, including the insurance tax and motor vehicle license tax, and refunds gas taxes paid for certain nonhigh- way uses.

Sales Taxation Of Bunker Fuel

The SUT actually consists of two different taxes having identical rates. The two components are: (1)  the sales tax, which is levied on the total purchase price of tangible personal property sold within the state, and (2)  the use tax, which is applied to the storage or use of goods in California purchased outside of the state.

[PDF] Increases in the statewide minimum wage.

Likely Reduction in State Income Tax Revenue. The state collects income taxes from individuals and businesses under the personal income tax—the state government’s largest revenue source—and corporation tax.

A Commuter's Dilemma: Extra Cash or Free Parking

These tax expenses can be somewhat mitigated as they are considered business expenses eligible for tax deductions. Typically, business tax deductions reduce the cost of the program by approximately 40  percent.

The Budget Package: 2011-12 California Spending Plan

Fuel Tax Swap. In March 2010, the Legislature and Governor enacted what became known as the "fuel tax swap" legislation as part of the 2010 –11 budget plan. The tax swap eliminated the state's sales tax on gasoline and replaced the lost revenue with an additional excise tax on gasoline, among other changes, to increase the Legislature's flexibility over the use of transportation funds.

2009-10 California Spending Plan: The Budget Package

The Legislature also passed a personal income tax (PIT) surcharge, a change in income tax withholding, a 0.75 cent increase in the sales tax, and a conversion of the gas tax to a fee. The Legislature ’s December 2008 package was passed on a majority vote (as opposed to a two –thirds vote) on the premise that the package was not a net tax increase.

Current State R&D Tax Credits [Publication Details]

Dec 5, 2011 - Current State R&D Tax Credits [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.