Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Legislative Analyst's Office

State and local governments could receive additional revenues, such as sales taxes from marijuana sales permitted under this measure. In addition, state and local governments could also receive revenue from excise taxes, if such taxes were enacted by the Legislature.

2013 Initiative Analysis: The Marijuana Control, Legalization and Revenue Act of 2014

State and local governments could receive additional revenues, such as sales taxes from marijuana sales permitted under this measure. In addition, state and local governments could also receive revenue from excise taxes, if such taxes were enacted by the Legislature.

[PDF] (See: Electronic Data Processing) Automotive Repair, Bureau of,

(See: Electronic Data Processing) Automotive Repair, Bureau of, 145 B Bank and Corporation Tax. (See under: Franchise Tax Board), 177 Banking Department, State, 245 Bar, State, 1452 Barber Examiners, Board of, 145 Behavioral Science Examiners, Board of, 144 Block Grants for Superior Court Judgeships, States, 11 Boards.

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: INDEX

Emergency Fire Suppression (Forestry) ___ ~ _______________________________ 389 Emergency Fund _______________________________________________________ 497 Employee Feeding (Mental Hygiene) ________________________ -' _____________ 350 Employees' Retirement System, State______________________________________ 14 Employment, Department of __________________________________________ 559, 623

The 2012-13 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

As we discussed in our November report, California's Fiscal Outlook , Franchise Tax Board (FTB) data on the state income tax base lags by one to two years, such that preliminary data on 2010 income tax returns only recently has emerged.

January 2017 State Jobs Report [EconTax Blog]

Mar 9, 2017 - Follow @LAOEconTax on Twitter for regular California economy and tax updates.

[PDF] Microsoft Word - 090570.doc

The tax is not imposed on certain insurance fees. In 2008, insurance compa- nies paid about $1.8 billion in premium taxes on the various types of insurance policies in California. In addition, fees paid to brokers are not treated as premiums but instead under state income tax law as income to the broker.

[PDF] Overview of the 2003-04 May Revision

Partial- ly offsetting this is projected tax revenue increas- es, totaling about $400 million, due to favorable trends in personal income tax withholding, corporation tax prepayments, insurance premi- um taxes, and estate taxes.

2011 Initiative Analysis:California Cannabis Hemp & Health Initiative 2012

State and local governments could receive additional revenues, such as sales and excise taxes from marijuana-related activities allowed under this measure. However, since the measure prohibits taxation on medical marijuana products, these revenues would be partially offset by the loss of sales tax currently collected on medical marijuana sales.

[PDF] The Marijuana Control, Legalization and Revenue Act of 2016 (Amendment #1)

In addition, state and local governments could also receive revenue from excise taxes, if such taxes were enacted by the Legislature. As noted earlier, a portion of the revenues derived from any excise tax imposed by the Legislature would be deposited in the Public Benefit Fund to benefit various programs including education, health care, and public safety.