Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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California Tax Expenditures Programs: Sales and Use Taxes Part 1

First, gas and electric bills are subject to municipal utility user taxes in many cities, often at rates higher than the sales tax rate. Thus, it is argued by some that the sales tax exemption avoids subjecting gas and electricity to double taxation.

California Tax Expenditures Programs: Sales and Use Taxes Part 3

The home sale itself, however, is not subject to the sales tax, since the tax is levied on tangible personal property only. Thus, only the value of the home due to the materials embodied in it, is subject to taxation.

California Tax Expenditures Programs: Sales and Use Taxes Part 5

California Tax Expenditures Programs: Sales and Use Taxes Part 5 NA Description This program exempts from taxation the sale or use of replacement exhibits for a qualified museum, or for a public art display of the state or a local government.

[PDF] An LAO Special Education Facilities Funding Report

This will stream- line the funding process, maximize local flexibility to provide fa- cilities needed to serve all their pupils, and minimize state and local administrative costs. v Establish a separate facility grant for county offices of education in recognition of the special education pupils served at county facilities. v Require county offices of education to provide local matching funds except in financial hardship cases.

HOV Lanes in California: Are They Achieving Their Goals?

For example, District 4 in the Bay Area has published a detailed HOV annual report since 1990 whereas District 8 (San Bernardino County), District 11 (San Diego County), and Dist rict 12 (Orange County) had little if any data available prior to 1998 despite each having operated HOV lanes for the last five years.

[PDF] LAO HOV Lanes in California: Are They Achieving Their Goals?

This state- wide average obscures even worse con- gestion in parts of the state such as Los Angeles and Orange County where between 60 percent to 84 percent of freeway lane miles are congested. A number of factors contribute to worsening congestion.

Overview of the 2000-01 Governor's Budget

Contains $93 million in spending and $47 million in tax credits for initiatives to improve senior care. CalWORKs. Prohibits counties from earning new incentive payments in the budget year resulting in savings of $496 million.

[PDF] LAO Report Child Support Enforcement: Implementing the Legislative Reforms of 1999

Previ- ously, the approach was county based. • Transfers Responsibility for Procurement of the Automation System to Franchise Tax Board (FTB). Previously, the Health and Human Services Agency Data Center was responsible for procurement. • Requires Performance-Based Procurement for the New Statewide tion System.