Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Education Budget Overview

Education Budget Overview Revised 2003-04 Proposed 2004-05 Amount Percent University of California (UC) General Fund $2,868.2 $2,670.5 -$197.7 -6.9% Student fee revenue 1,084.1 1,271.0 186.9 17.2 Federal and other funds 14,068.2 14,498.8 430.6 3.1 Totals $18,020.5 $18,440.4 $419.9 2.3% California State University (CSU) General Fund $2,630.1 $2,409.6 -$220.5 -8.4% Student fee revenue 1,016.5

[PDF] School District Revenue Limits

. $27,753.4a Necessary Small Schools Subsidizes very small schools, usually in small districts. 109.7 Excess Taxes Property tax revenues in excess of the amount needed to fund a district’s revenue limit entitlement.

[PDF] Budget Overview

Budget Overview If Fully Adopted, Budget Is Balanced Balance Only Achieved If Dramatic Actions Taken Many Threats Exist California’s Dramatic Revenue Fall-Off General Fund Revenues From Major Taxes (In Billions) 10

[PDF] 2003-04 Budget Overview

Rejects Tax and Fee Increases • Excludes $8.2 billion in new realignment taxes, $1.5 billion in new tribal gaming revenues, and about $600 million in proposed fees. The latter is related to community colleges, workers’ compensation administration, trial courts, and certain other activities.

[PDF] Fiscal Overview

. • Recent tax collections higher-than-expected. . . . But New Tax Revenues Consumed by Other Budget Related-Factors • One-half of added revenues goes to Proposition 98. • Pension obligation bonds invalidated by Superior Court. • Tribal gaming revenues overestimated. • Major deficiencies in Department of Corrections and Medi-Cal. • Costs for Southern California

[PDF] Fiscal Overview Presentation

Fiscal Overview Presentation California’s Tax Revenues Have Been More Volatile Than the State’s Economy 80-81 82-83 84-85 86-87 88-89 90-91 92-93 94-95 96-97 98-99 00-01 02-03 Percent Chang e

[PDF] Revenues and the 2010-11 Budget

. ; Revenues can include nontax sources (sale of state assets, securitization, etc.) and increases in the taxes owed or collected. Today, we present a menu of tax changes for the Legislature’s consideration—focusing on those for which a reasonable case can be made on tax policy grounds. ; Our three basic approaches to increasing

[PDF] Perspectives on the State’s Tax Structure

Perspectives on the State’s Tax Structure Perspectives on the State’s Tax Structure Presented to: Senate Select Committee on Recovery, Reform, and Realignment Hon. Sam Blakeslee, Chair February 2, 2011 LAO Background: Taxes in California  State and Local Governments Rely Predominantly On the Following Four Taxes:

[PDF] Mental Health Realignment

Proposition 63 provides state funding for certain new or expanded mental health programs through a personal income tax surcharge of 1 percent on the portion of a taxpayer’s taxable income in excess of $1 million.  How Proposition 63 Programs Are Administered.

[PDF] Financing Flood Management Infrastructure

The General Fund cost of repaying the principal and interest on these bonds is the equivalent of a one-quarter-cent share of the state sales tax (over $1.3 billion in 2005–06). The bonds’ repayments are also guaranteed by the state’s general taxing power in the event the sales tax proceeds fall short.