Results for 서울시 tax

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2005 Initiative Analysis: California Minimum Wage Initiative

Speci fically: To the extent that higher wage costs reduced business profits, personal income taxes and corporate tax receipts would decline. This is significant because the average incom e tax rate on foregone business profits would generally be higher than the personal income tax rate on minimum wage employees’ wage increases.

[PDF] California's Parimutuel Horse Racing Tax

T PAR I MUTUEL WAGER H'G TAX STRUCTURE , · F I PST , TI-Ir TAX HAS BEIC1'1E EXCESSIVELY C0MPL EX, AL TH0UGH MANY OF CALIFORN IA' S OTHER STATE TAXES HAVE SPFC I AL PROV I SIONS THAT AFFECT -8'- Table 4 Average Tax RatPS on P~rimutue l Wa ger ino for California and the Nati0n in l9HJ d (thousands of dol lars) Ca l iforn ia Per-cent of Amou nt waoerino 11.11 Pa r imutue l Horserac in0.

[PDF] The extraction and recovery of oil and gas, as well as fossil fuel consumption.

The largest component of the decrease in state revenues comes from a decline in state income tax revenues, which are deposited in the state General Fund. Limiting oil and gas production likely would reduce the revenues from both state corporate taxes and personal income taxes paid by oil and gas businesses and their in-state suppliers, their

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: Updates on Recent Housing and Homelessness Augmentations and Overview of Proposed Budget Changes

In 2017, the state established a new ongoing source of funding for housing based on a real estate document fee. — Building Homes and Jobs Act of 2017 (SB 2). „ Existing Tax Credits. Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program provides tax credits to builders of rental housing affordable to low-income households. — State Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program.

[PDF] The 2014-15 Budget: Overview of the May Revision

Other Major Taxes Lower LAO Sales Tax Forecast. Our General Fund sales tax revenue forecast is $178 million lower than the administration’s for 2013-14 and $601 million lower than the administration’s for 2014-15.

Initiative Analyses

File No. 2005-059 Tax Fairness Act of 2005 The measure changes the assessment of most nonresidential real property. For this property the annual assessment would be based on the fair market value of the property rather than on the acquisition price of the property.

Funding for state and local air quality regulatory agencies. [Ballot]

Jan 24, 2020 - In 2019-20, CARB is budgeted at $1.4  billion, which comes from revenues generated by various taxes and fees. Local Air Quality Districts . There are 35 air districts in California. In addition to working with CARB to produce air quality management plans as part of the SIP, air districts are responsible for implementing the plans within their jurisdictions.

[PDF] The 2017-18 Budget: Cap-and-Trade

Although carbon taxes and cap-and-trade are both designed to encourage cost-effective reductions, there are trade-offs between these two approaches. A carbon tax provides relative certainty about the maximum cost of reductions because the per-ton cost of emitting is, by definition, the dollar amount of the per-ton emissions tax.

[PDF] Patient Reasonable Access Act of 2012

This measure would have the following fiscal impact:  Additional state and local tax revenues potentially in the low tens of millions of dollars annually from an increase in taxable sales of medical marijuana.

2012 Initiative Analysis: Patient Reasonable Access Act of 2012

This measure would have the following fiscal impact: Additional state and local tax revenues potentially in the low tens of millions of dollars annually from an increase in taxable sales of medical marijuana.