Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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Supplemental Report Of The 2001 Budget Act 2001-02 Fiscal Year

The Department shall make available through the budget process, county-by-county information on the number of final adoption placements, and the number of guardianships, from 199 7-98 through 2000-01.

California's Tax System: A Primer, Chapter 1

Local governments, particularly counties, are also heavily reliant on state aid. How Has the Tax Structure Changed Over Time? The basic elements of California's current state tax system were put in place in the late 1920s and early 1930s.

California's Tax System: A Primer, Chapter 4

California's Tax System: A Primer, Chapter 4 Legislative Analyst Office, January 2001 California's Tax System Bank and Corporation Tax Overview of the Bank and Corporation Tax California is one of 48 states to tax corporate profits, and its bank and corporation tax (BCT) is the state's third largest source of General Fund revenues.

California's Tax System: A Primer, Chapter 5

Vehicle License Fee (VLF) The VLF is an annual fee on the depreciated purchase price of a registered vehicle in California, levied in lieu of taxing vehicles as personal property. The revenues, which totale d an estimated $3.4 billion in 1999-00, are distributed to cities and counties.

California's Tax System: A Primer, Chapter 6

Some counties also levy the UUT. Tax rates are set by the governing body and range from 0.5 percent to 12 percent. Local gov ernment UUT revenues totaled more than $1.3 billion in 1997-98. Business License Tax The business license tax (BLT) is a type of excise tax imposed on businesses for the privilege of operating within a city or county.

Cal Facts 2002: Economy

The Inland Counties Have Been Growing the Fastest Total Growth, 1997 Through 2002 The highest population growth rates have occurred mainly in the Central Valley and foothill counties, and in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties in Southern California.


The remaining one-quarter ($4.3 billion) of state opera- tions supports a wide range of programs, including the Department of Forestry, various health-related depart- ments, and the tax-related agencies.

Better Protection of Fish and Wildlife: Improving Fish and Game's CEQA Review

For example, we interviewed planning staff in several cities and counties, including Orange County, Santa Barba ra County, County and City of San Diego, Marin County, and Placer County. We also reviewed a sampling of comments DFG has issued on proposed projects as part of the department's CEQA review efforts.

Supplemental Analysis of The 2002-03 Governor's Budget for Child Care

For example, in our Analysis of the 2000-01 Budget Bill (beginning on page  E-94), we recommended a pilot test of a Wisconsin-style child care program in up to four counties in California.Pilot projects, including elements of the Governor’s child care reforms, would provide valuable information on the impact of major child care reforms and their effects on families.

[PDF] Supplemental Analysis of The 2002-03 Governor’s Budget for Child Care

Reduce maximum income limit to (1) 66 percent of SMI for four “highest cost” counties in Bay Area, (2) 63 percent for other high cost counties, and (3) 60 percent for remaining counties. “Grandfathered” families with incomes above 75 percent of SMI who received services at the time income limits were reduced in 1997 from 100 percent to 75 percent of SMI.