Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Fiscal Effect on California: Congressional Welfare Reform Reauthorization Proposals

Riverside County Is a Reasonable Starting Point. Riverside County—a relatively large county with moderate costs in its welfare-to-work program—has one of the highest rates of participation across the state.

[PDF] California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 2002-03 Through 2007-08

The great majority of General Fund revenues, though, is attributable to the state’s three major taxes—the personal income tax (PIT), the sales and use tax (SUT), and the corporation tax (CT). In addition, however, actions taken in conjunction with the adoption of the 2002-03 budget have also resulted in a variety of significant

Senate Floor Packet

Adopts almost all of the $3.8 billion in tax increases and revenue accelerations proposed in the May Revision. These include a one-year increase in the vehicle license fee (VLF), a twoyear suspension of net operating loss deductions, and an increase in the cigarette tax of 50 cents per pack.

Budget Package--AB 425 and Related Trailer Bills

Restorations include certain optional Medi-Cal services for some adults, eligibility for some two-parent working families, quarterly status reporting for parents, county administration funding, additional copayments for some services, and a proposed further reduction in hospital funding.

[PDF] Budget Package 2002-03

Revenues • Increased revenues of $3.9 billion from tax rate increases, tax expenditure changes, and administrative-related actions. • Key tax provisions include an increase in Vehicle License Fee rate from 0.65 percent to 1.5 percent, two-year suspension of net operating loss deductions, and increased taxes on ciga- rettes of 63 cents per pack (for a total tax of $1.50 per pack). !!!!!

HMOs and Rural California

Provide Tax Incentives. There may be tax-related incentives that could be considered provided that they can be structured in a cost efficient manner. For example, tax credits or income exclusions could be provided to medical professionals who decide to practice in a rural area after being licensed.

[PDF] HMOs and Rural California

In preparing this report, we obtained infor- mation from a variety of sources: ➢ We conducted interviews with repre- sentatives of a diverse set of key players in the rural health care com- munity, including beneficiaries, health operated health care systems, the California Medical Association, health policy researchers, state health care programs such as the Medi-Cal Program and the California

Building Standards in Higher Education

These growth rates are the fastest in Los Angeles County and represent an acceleration of the north county's already rapid growth. For example, fr om 1990 to 2000, north county population grew by 29  percent, compared to a 7  percent growth rate for Los Angeles County as a whole.

[PDF] Effects of Part-Time Operation: HOV Lanes on Route 14

H I L L • L E G I S L A T I V E A N A LY S T LAO 60 YEARS OF SERVICE Effects of Part-Time Operation: HOV Lanes on Route 14 Chapter 337, Statutes of 2000 (AB 1871, Runner), temporarily changed the hours of op- eration of the high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes on State Route 14 in Los Angeles County from full-time to part-time operation.

2002-03 May Revision

Local Government The May Revision does not reduce local government VLF revenues, but redirects to schools about $120  million of property taxes from special districts and redevelopment agencies. The May Revision also reduces local government subventions and grants by over $200  million, cuts county-administered health and social services programs by over $200