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Results for irish state pension in Higher Education

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Prisons vs. Universities Proposal Would Unwisely Lock Up Budget Flexibility [Publication Details]

Jan 26, 2010 - Universities Proposal Would Unwisely Lock Up Budget Flexibility Format: HTML Description: In his January budget, the Governor proposed a state constitutional amendment that would require reductions in spending on state corrections, with corresponding increases in spending for public universities.

What Role Does the State Play in Public Higher Education? [Publication Details]

Dec 15, 2009 - What Role Does the State Play in Public Higher Education? [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Does the State Spend More on Corrections or Higher Education? [Publication Details]

Dec 3, 2009 - Does the State Spend More on Corrections or Higher Education? [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The Master Plan at 50: Improving State Oversight of Academic Expansions [Publication Details]

Dec 2, 2009 - The Master Plan at 50: Improving State Oversight of Academic Expansions [Publication Details] Video Description: The state’s public higher education segments periodically create new degree programs and schools, and each segment has internal procedures for reviewing and authorizing them.

Webcast: Improving State Oversight Of Academic Expansions [Publication Details]

Dec 2, 2009 - Webcast: Improving State Oversight Of Academic Expansions [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The Master Plan at 50: Assessing California’s Vision for Higher Education [Publication Details]

Nov 12, 2009 - The Master Plan at 50: Assessing California’s Vision for Higher Education [Publication Details] The Master Plan at 50: Assessing California’s Vision for Higher Education Format: HTML Description: Almost 50 years ago, the state of California adopted a visionary plan for higher education that sought to forge the state’s colleges and universities into a coordinated system, founded on core principles and directed toward specified goals.

California Community Colleges: Raising Fees Could Mitigate Program Cuts and Leverage More Federal Aid [Publication Details]

Jun 11, 2009 - New federal tax credit provisions allow the state to tap potentially hundreds of millions of new federal dollars for higher education. Because these tax credits will fully reimburse most California Community College (CCC) students for the fees they pay, the state could raise those fees (and revenue for CCC) with no net impact on most students.

State Budget Solutions in Higher Education: General Fund Savings From February Budget Package and Governor’s Proposed May Revision [Publication Details]

Jun 1, 2009 - State Budget Solutions in Higher Education: General Fund Savings From February Budget Package and Governor’s Proposed May Revision [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Higher Education [Publication Details]

Jan 29, 2009 - We offer alternatives that would increase funding for state financial aid programs, increase enrollment targets well above the Governor's levels, and better account for student fee revenue. Reports by Policy Area

LAO Recommended Legislation [Publication Details]

Dec 1, 2008 - LAO Recommended Legislation [Publication Details] HTML Description: The role of the Legislative Analyst's Office is to review state programs and make recommendations to the Legislature as to how the state can operate more effectively and efficiently.