Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Funding Timber Harvest Plan Review and Enforcement

This would allow the fee to be col- lected by the Board of Equalization when it collects the existing timber tax (in lieu of property tax on timber). It would also collect fees roughly in proportion to the revenues generated from the harvesting and thus also in proportion to the economic benefi ts of timber production allowed by the THP.

[PDF] LAO Budget Options: Resources Agency and Cal-EPA Departments

Such a fee could be based on the value of timber harvested and collected by the Board of Equalization which collects the existing timber yield tax. We estimate this proposal will reduce General Fund expenditures by $21 million, beginning in the 2009-10 budget year.

[PDF] Proposition 7--The Solar and Clean Energy Act of 2008

First, some local governments charge a tax on electricity – use. To the extent the measure increases or decreases electricity rates, there will be a corresponding effect on local tax revenues. Second, state and local government tax revenues are – affected by business profi ts, personal income, and tax- able sales—all of which are affected by electricity rates.

[PDF] The Delta Vision and Bay Delta Conservation Plan: Financing Issues

These bonds must be approved by the voters and their repayment is guaranteed by state’s general taxing power. In the case of the State Water Project (SWP), however, GO bonds were paid back mainly by user fees, while remaining guaranteed by the state’s general taxing power.

[PDF] Department of Forestry and Fire Protection: Funding Wildland Fire Protection

Governor’s Insurance Surcharge Proposal Is a Tax. Based on our discussions with staff at Legislative Counsel, we believe the Governor’s proposal is a tax. If it were to be enacted, it would increase the state’s funding obligations under Proposition 98.

[PDF] Department of Fish and Game: 2010-11 Budget and Policy Overview

In most cases, taxes (in the form of general sales tax or dedicated sales tax) raised the most fund- ing. However, as with any tax, these funds are potentially subject to diversion to other legislative priorities.

[PDF] Department of Fish and Game: Budget and Policy Overview

In most cases, taxes (in the form of general sales tax or dedicated sales tax) raised the most funding. However, as with any tax, these funds are potentially subject to diversion to other legislative priorities.

[PDF] Fish and Wildlife Agency Structures and Best Practices: A Study of Florida, Texas, Washington, and New York

Florida dedicates 65 percent of its real estate transfer tax to conservation purposes. That tax raises roughly $600 million annually on average. Texas dedicates all receipts from sales taxes on sporting goods to conservation, which averages approximately $100 million per year.

[PDF] Funding Timber Harvest Regulation

.  Timber Yield Tax. The timber yield tax is a tax in lieu of ad valorem property taxes on timber paid by timber owners when they harvest timber. The current tax rate is 2.9 percent applied to the value of the harvest.

[PDF] Implementing the 2014 Water Bond

Since bonds will be repaid with state tax revenues, funds should be directed to projects that provide benefi ts to the state as a whole, not private benefi ciaries. We recommend the Legislature clarify the defi nition of state-level public benefi ts for certain categories of benefi ts, specifi cally water supply and greenhouse gas reduction benefi ts.  Require Robust Cost-Effectiveness Criteria for Project Selection.