Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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LAO Education

After adjusting for inflation, the 1991 Budget Act results in a level of total funding per unit of average daily attendance (ADA) in 1991-92 that is 13 percent higher than the level of per-ADA funding in 1982-83, the year immediately prior to the enactment of SB 813 (the state’s major school funding and reform measure).

Climate Change Impacts Across California - Housing

Apr 5, 2022 - The state budget has provided $227  million from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund for LIWP since 2014, and the 2021 ‑22 budget package committed an additional $75  million total from the General Fund through 2024 (with $25  million in 2021 ‑22 dedicated exclusively to the farmworker housing component).

Living Under Smoky Skies—Understanding the Challenges Posed by Wildfire Smoke in California

Nov 14, 2022 - Another way to reduce smoke exposure is to make indoor spaces —such as individual homes, workplaces, schools, or community centers —cleaner . This can be accomplished by taking a variety of actions aimed at reducing the amount of smoke that travels into buildings and filtering the indoor air.

[PDF] Property tax assessment.

Should schools gain property tax revenues under the measure, state funding for schools would decrease by a similar amount in most years. Conversely, should schools lose property tax revenues under the measure, state funding for schools would increase by a similar amount in most years.

[PDF] The Weighted Student Funding Formula and English Learner Students

Current system is based on aggregate comparisons of how EL students perform as a group from one year to the next, even though the students classifi ed as EL change every year.  The administration expresses intent to develop a new accountability system, but details are not yet available.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Introduction

Proposed School Transportation Funding Shift Affects Year-to-Year Comparisons. The budget proposes to shift the $627 million Home-to-School Transportation program out of Proposition 98 —funding it instead from the Public Transportation Account (PTA).

2007 Initiative Analysis: Quality Teacher Recruitment and Retention Initiative

Proposal This measure requires that all certificated school personnel be paid on the same salary schedule according to their years of experience, level of education, and number of days worked per year.

[PDF] Flexibility for School Districts: Recent Actions and Proposals

About 60 percent of our survey respondents report reducing their local contributions to special education in response to increased federal IDEA funds.  Accessing Prior-Year Balances. By close of 2008-09, districts had spent almost all funds remaining from 2007-08.  Few Districts Shortened 2009-10 School Year.

[PDF] The 2013-14 Budget: Overview of the May Revision

The DOF forecast now assumes that 25 percent of 2013 capital gains realizations were accelerated, and our forecast now assumes that 28 percent were accelerated. These accelerations have the effect of increasing near-term revenue collections, while eroding future revenue collections.

2006 Initiative Analysis: The Repeat Criminal Offender/Three Strikes Fair Sentencing Act of 2006 (Amendment #2-NS)

Serious felony (Class B) Life term, minimum 25 years. (1) Life term, minimum 15 years; (2) Determinate term, minimum length of three times upper term. Violent felony, punishable by determinate term on first offense (Class A) Life term, minimum 25 years.