Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Summary of Legislative Action on the Budget Bill

The projected growth in 1986-87 revenues includes increases of $901 million (8.8 percent) in sales and use taxes, $1,343 million (11.8 percent) in personal income taxes, and $596 million (15.5 percent) in bank and corporation taxes.

LAO Health and Human Services

It first provides background on the MCO tax and the package that was in place at Governor’s budget. (The Governor’s budget included a plan to implement a multiyear spending framework that was adopted in last year’s budget.)

2006 Initiative Analysis: The Fairness in Marriage Act

In additio n, under the measure, married same-gender couples presumably could file joint state income tax returns. In many cases, this change in filing status would reduce the total amount of state income taxes paid by these married couples compared to the amount that they would have paid as single filers.

2001 Initiative Analysis: Fairness for Injured Workers Amendment

Second, there would likely be a reduction in the mid-to-high tens of millions of dollars in income taxes. This effect will depend on such factors as the extent to which businesses subject to either higher premiums or increased claims costs would otherwise owe income taxes, and the degree to which these higher costs would be deductible expenses for California income tax purposes.

LAO Publications

We believe these proposals have merit, both for tax policy reasons (for examp le, the VLF increase would result in all property in California taxed at the same rate) and for reducing the net impact of any rate increases on taxpayers (as both the VLF and PIT are deductible for federal tax purposes). ««

[PDF] The Education Funding Protection Act

The constitutional requirements regarding imposition of these levies involve lower approval thresholds by the governing body and/or voters than is the case for taxes. For example, regulatory fees are subject to approval by (1) a majority vote of the Legislature (instead of a two-thirds vote that would be required for a state tax) or (2) the local governing board

2005 Initiative Analysis: Responsible Gaming and Population Segment Investment

For instance, to the extent that the district resulted in increased taxable economic activity (above what otherwise would have occurred) in the surrounding areas, governments would receive increased tax revenues (from the income, sales, and property taxes, for example).

2005 Initiative Analysis: Responsible Gaming, Population Segment Investment and Military Troop/Family Support

For instance, to the extent that the district resulted in increased taxable economic activity (above what otherwise would have occurred) in the surrounding areas, governments would receive increased tax revenues (from the income, sales, and property taxes, for example).

[PDF] Vehicle License Fee

The state would also experience increases in personal income tax (PIT) and corporation tax (CT) revenues due to a decrease in VLF-related deductions and the corresponding increase in taxable income. Revenue gains to the General Fund from increased PIT and CT revenues would be roughly $200 million annually.

Allows casino-type gaming in California City and on one Indian reservation

Also, revenues generated from gaming on reservations would be less than for comparable operations situated elsewhere because Indian tribes are exempt from certain taxes. For example, if casinos are run by an Indian tribe, any profits attributed to tribal business activities would not be subject to state income taxes.