Results for 서울시 tax

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The People's Gaming Act

In addition, the state currently taxes most existing gambling activit ies. Thus, the state could receive additional tax revenues to the extent the Legislature established taxes on the gambling activities authorized under this initiative.

[PDF] "Budget Accountability Act"

This measure, by reducing the voting requirement from two-thirds to 55 percent, may help to ease the passage of a budget or budget- related bills, including measures which increase taxes. To the extent that this reduced voting requirement resulted in the passage of tax increases which would not have been passed under the two-thirds vote requirement, this measure

[PDF] California Update: California's Cash Crunch

Personal Income Tax Shortfall. Revenues for January and February were $61 million below forecast for the Personal Income Tax (PIT). Although receipts were down overall, withholding collections, which represent two- thirds of income tax collections and closely track the state economy, were slightly above the forecast.

[PDF] Proposed statutory initiative related to psilocybin.

To the extent this is not the case, the effect on criminal justice costs and tax revenue discussed below could be greatly reduced. Moreover, the tax revenue impacts discussed below could be greatly reduced to the extent that the federal government exercises its discretion to enforce federal prohibitions on psilocybin-related activities otherwise permitted by this measure.

LAO Publications

Format: Perspectives on State Revenues 2005-06 February 22, 2005 - The current strength in the economy is translating into solid growth in receipts from the state's taxes—particularly the corporate tax and personal income tax.

LAO Publications

Format: Perspectives on State Revenues 2005-06 February 22, 2005 - The current strength in the economy is translating into solid growth in receipts from the state's taxes—particularly the corporate tax and personal income tax.

[PDF] The People’s Gaming Act

In addition, the state cur- rently taxes most existing gambling activities. Thus, the state could receive additional tax revenues to the extent the Legislature established taxes on the gambling activities authorized under this initiative.

1996-97 Budget Analysis: Higher Education Overview

In both 1995-96 and 1996-97, the options available to the Legislature depend on the projected level of General Fund tax revenues and whether the Governor's proposed tax cut is ado pted. Budget Revenue Projection, With Tax Cut.

[PDF] Fiscal Impact of Legalizing Marijuana

State and Local Health Program Expenditures 5L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E October 28, 2009  State and local governments could potentially realize new ex- cise tax revenues if they choose to adopt such a tax.

Overview of the 1995-96 May Revision

As shown in Figure 3: Sales and use taxes are down $407 million. Remaining revenues are up $343 million, including bank and corporation taxes (up $295 million). Reasonableness of the Revenue Forecast.