Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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The amount of research conducted has been determined by the avail- ability of funds produced from the sardine privilege tax. The funds estimated for expenditure in the 1954-55 Fiscal Year are somewhat less than the anticipated revenue which will allow a slight surplus to ac- cumulate. .


By applying them- selves exclusively to constructive accounting ~uggestions and. to the offering of procedural guidance to the counties, these three positions should improve the level of accounting services that was originally contemplated.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: General Administration

In the basement of the main section there are several skids of tax- instruction booklets. The remainder of the basement is unused. About two-thirds of the first floor of the main section is being used by the Franchise Tax Board.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

In March, 1954, a regulation was adopted to eradicate vesicular exan- thema from California, which was tried first in 21 northern counties. The success of this regulatory program can be judged by the fact that the remlj-ining 37 counties are now requesting it also.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Education

As a result of the inquiry made by this office and by the Department of Education into the Oounty School Service Fund we are aware of the unnecessary duplication of curriculum studies and teachers' guides that has oc- curred in the county school offices and believe that the proposed pro- gram is sound as it relates to county offices, providing that the Depart- ment of Education maintains sufficient budgetary control to prevent further duplication.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

The taxes on beer and wine yield about $4,000,000 per year while those on distilled spirits yield about $16,000,000. These taxes are collected from four groups of taxpayers of which there were 1,222 at a recent date distributed by class of tax, as follows: .

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Department of Justice

The position of intermediate clerk will assist in the filing of papers with the courts or county clerks, the service of papers, and the routing of mail.· Frequently the clerical employees are used to chauffeur per- sonnel to the courts and to meetings.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Health

In reference to the item of $50,000 for "state level care" in the Bureau of Crippled Children Services (Budget page 746, line 65) we believe it would be better budgeting to transfer this amount to the sub- - 637- Public Health Department of Public Health-Continued vention item and amend the language of that item to permit direct state expenditure not to exceed. this amount for cases wb,ere county residence cannot be established.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Control Sections

No money appropriated herein for support of the California State Fair or for any district or county fair eligible for funds under this act . or the Business and Professions Code or the Agriculture Code, may be expended to print or otherwise manufacture any pass or other device for the purpose of permitting any person to be admitted free to any fair or any event held in connection with such fair.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Index

_1~, ,~gg Adult ,Education _______________________________________________________ 340 Aeronautics Commission ________ '_ _______________________________________ 658 Aged, Bureau of Aid to Needy (Social Welfare) ___________________________ 731 Agnews State Hospital__________________________________________________ 519 Agricultural: ,Association, Sixth DistricL ________________ ~