Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 2005-06 Through 1010-11

Other Local Government Finance The 2004-05 budget package included a two-year shift of $1.3  billion of city, county, special district, and redevelopment agency property taxes to schools and community colleges.

[PDF] Highlights of the 2006-07 Analysis

(Analysis, page G-18.)  Transfer of Trial Court Facilities Barely Happening  Current law requires the transfer of about 450 trial court facilities from the counties to the state by June 30, 2007. Only four have transferred to date.


. , which conditions, by reason of their magnitude, are or are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment, and facilities of any single county or city and require the combined forces of a mutual aid region or with re spect to regulated energy utilities, a sudden and severe energy shortage requires extraordinary measures beyond the authority vested in the California Public Utilities Commission.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: STATE FIRE MARSHAL

Reviews construction blueprints and specifications of schools, city and county facilities, hospitals, nursing homes, homes for children and aged, mental hospitals and sanitariums, places of public assembly, state-owned facilities, dry cleaning establishments and camps for inclu- sion of required fire-resistant qualities of the building structure, ad- equacy and protection of exit

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: University of California (6440)

The Governor’s budget summary states that “…the funds will be used to provide facilities and state-of-the-art equipme nt, so that more physicians are trained and better qualified to meet health care needs in underserved areas, including rural and inner-city areas.”

[PDF] Vehicle License Fee

The VLF is collected by the state and allocated to local governments—cities and counties—based on population. In 1998, the Legislature began a series of reductions in the effective VLF rate, resulting in a decrease in the fee from 2 percent of the depreciated value to 0.65 percent, representing an overall decline of 67.5 percent.

2004 Initiative Analysis: Redistricting Reform: The Voter Empowerment Act

Among these requirements are: (1)  for state offices, population differences among districts cannot exceed 1  percent; (2)  the BOE districts must be comprised of adjacent legislative districts; and (3)  the plan must minimize the splitting of counties and cities into multiple districts.

2004 Initiative Analysis: Redistricting Reform--The Voter Empowerment Act

Among these requirements are: (1)  for state offices, population differences among districts cannot exceed 1  percent; (2)  the BOE districts must be comprised of adjacent legislative districts; and (3)  the plan must minimize the splitting of counties and cities into multiple districts.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The California Fair Voting and Equal Representation Act (version 1)

Among these requirements ar e: (1)  for state offices, population differences among districts cannot exceed 2  percent; (2)  the plan must not dilute the voting strength of minorities; and (3)  the plan must minimize the splitting of counties and cities into multiple districts.

[PDF] The Citizens Fair Districts Act (version 2)

. • The plan must minimize the splitting of counties, cities, and “communities of interest” into multiple districts. • When drawing boundaries, the commission could not consider information related to political party affiliations and other specified matters, except as re- quired by federal law.