Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 2 (Attorneys, Administrative Law Judges, and Hearing Officers) [Publication Details]

Mar 16, 2011 - We reviewed the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Bargaining Unit 2 (California Attorneys, Administrative Law Judges, and Hearing Officers in State Employment [CASE]). If adopted, the MOU would result in increased state costs in the current year, savings in 2011-12, and net cost thereafter.

Streamlining Nursing Education Pathways: A Progress Report On Assembly Bill 1295 (Fuller) [Publication Details]

Mar 15, 2011 - Streamlining Nursing Education Pathways: A Progress Report On Assembly Bill 1295 (Fuller) [Publication Details] Streamlining Nursing Education Pathways: A Progress Report On Assembly Bill 1295 (Fuller) Format: PDF Description: Chapter 283, Statutes of 2009 (AB 1295, Fuller), requires our office to report by March 15, 2011 on the progress of the California Community Colleges (CCC) and California

Big Three state taxes below projections in February

Mar 8, 2011 - (February is typically the third-highest month of the year —behind March and April —for PIT refunds.) In November 2009, the state increased PIT withholding rates by 10 percent, and the higher level of refunds surely is a function of taxpayers ’ being “over-withheld ” on their PIT liabilities during tax year 2010 —the first full tax year that accelerated withholding was in place.

System officials say budgeted 2011-12 state payment may be more than required by law

Mar 1, 2011 - In the final analysis, the system 's unfunded liabilities as of its June 30, 2009 valuation --$40.5 billion--will require far larger additional payments from the state, school districts, and/or teachers than those required by Section 22955(b) in 2011-12 and future years.

Updated revenue forecast due to prior incorrect allocation of sales tax receipts

Feb 22, 2011 - The downward adjustment would be roughly $300 million in 2010-11 and in each subsequent fiscal year. Subscribe | California State Legislature | Online Voter Registration | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Legislative Analyst's Office | The California Legislature's Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor 925 L Street, Suite 1000 Sacramento, CA 95814 | (916) 445-4656 | information [at]

Webcast: Public Retirement Benefits, Options for the Future [Publication Details]

Feb 10, 2011 - Webcast: Public Retirement Benefits, Options for the Future [Publication Details] Video Description: In this 15-minute video, LAO State Finance Director Jason Sisney describes why public employee retirement costs have risen substantially in recent years for California governments and the Legislature's options for creating new types of retirement benefits for future state and local employees.

Update on School District Finance and Flexibility [Publication Details]

Feb 9, 2011 - Update on School District Finance and Flexibility [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2011-12 Budget: Year-Two Survey--Update on School District Finance in California [Publication Details]

Feb 7, 2011 - The 2011-12 Budget: Year-Two Survey--Update on School District Finance in California [Publication Details] The 2011-12 Budget: Year-Two Survey--Update on School District Finance in California Format: HTML Description: Since 2007-08, state support for K-12 education has dropped notably, though this reduction has been partly offset by one-time federal aid and state K-12 payment deferrals.

The 2011-12 Budget: The Administration's Revenue Accrual Approach [Publication Details]

Jan 31, 2011 - In the administration's budget figures, this approach increases revenues available for the 2011-12 budget process by over $700 million and decreases the 2011-12 minimum funding guarantee for schools and community colleges by $1.5 billion below what it would have been otherwise.

The 2011-12 Budget: California Community College Fees [Publication Details]

Jan 27, 2011 - While the Governor is on the right track, the Legislature might consider going even further in the budget year to tap additional federal dollars in support of the CCC system. In future years, we recommend the Legislature ensure that CCC fee levels are pegged to the maximum amount covered by federal tax credits .