Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Social Welfare

County adoption programs. 11. County licensing of boarding homes for aged and children. 12. Child Welfare Services. The General Relief indigent aid program is a county-operated, county-financed program.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Water Resources

In addition, the department is constructing the Whale Rock project in San Luis Obispo County, the Upper San Joaquin River Flood Control Project and smaller works under reimbursible contracts from other state agencies.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

At the present time, county assessors are empowered to collect per- sonal property taxes on boats, and since according to Chapter 6 of the Revenue and Taxation Code all owners of watercraft are required to register their boats with the county assessor, it should not be too diffi- cult to establish the machinery to license such boats.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

Thus from the counties' point of view it will cost either one-half of actual per capita cost, or the excess over $95, depending on whether the per capita cost is more than $190 per month, to care for a juvenile offender in county facilities whereas it will only cost the county $25 a month if the juvenile is committed to the Youth Authority.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Control Section

While no further allocations can be made from these funds, certain existing allocations have. not yet been claimed, particularly by Humboldt County, because of various delays in the projects involved: The basis for the delays appear to be legitimate and, consequently, the extension of time is justified.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Index

Nelles ___________________ ~ ___________ .:. ______________ I'l1, 733 Boys, Fricot Ranch ________________________________________________ l67, 733 Boys, Paso Robles _________________________________ ~ ______________ 176, 734 Boys, Preston ____________________________________________________ 180, 735 Cerebral Palsied Children, Northern California _______________________ 275, 776 Cerebral Palsied

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

The principal expenditures which are provided for by the Constitution and by the statutes include $635.6 million in public school apportionments, $278.7 million for the State Highway System, $191.4 million for social welfare assistance, and $235.8 million in highway users revenues shared with cities and counties.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

We question whether the State should continue to supply tax moneys to the extent that it has in the past since this program has had $643,760 contributed from the state treasury since it began in 1947.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Fiscal Affairs

Administration of procedures for tax sales, tax deeds, and re- demptions of lands sold or deeded to the State for nonpayment of taxes. 2. Furnishing information to county officials concerning levying and collection of taxes on property. 3.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Industrial Relations

Presently, approximately half the counties have codes and enforcement facilities. Only a limited number of cities and counties have adopted adequate trailer park ordinances. In this situation a local jurisdiction can avoid the costs of enforcement of adequate housing and trailer park laws by simply allowing this responsibility to remain with the division.