Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Motor Vehicles

.; the Motor Vehicle License Fee Fund, from revenues resulting from the fees paid by owners of motor vehicles in lieu of ad valorem taxes, in this case reimbursing the Motor Vehicle Fund for expenses incurred for the administration of the Motor Vehicle License Fee Law.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Public Health

A great many have developed through budget presentation as I:j, service to the counties. There is a great need for an evaluation of the present state-county relationship in the field of public health.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Water Resources

In addition, the department is constructing the Whale Rock Project in San Luis Obispo County, the Upper San Joaquin River Flood Control Project and smaller works under reimbursable contracts from other state agencies.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

We recommend that such an amendment be considered by the Legislat.ure which would authorize payments for subsequent injury liability as a cost. of workmen's compensation insurance. t1EFUND OF LICENSES, TAXES, OTIUR FEES AND PAYMENT OF dv'() PRIOR JUDGMENTS, LIENS OR ENCUMBRANCES ITEM 272 of the Budget Bill Budget page 618 FOR REFUND OF TAXES, LICENSES AND OTHER

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

The increase is due to the growth within the program, particularly in Los Angeles County. The budget formula for distribution of these funds to the various counties is as follows: . a. Treatment Subvention: After the county has spent, for treatment' of physically handi- capped children, the equivalent of one-tenth mill on each dollar of assessed

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Index

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[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

The industry pays the cost through a special tax on the grapes to be crushed. We find the request in line with the current cost factors and feel that justification exists for the increases requested.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Education

The code provisions setting eligibility require (1) application to county superintendent, (2) attained grade average in the top 20 per~ cent of the graduating students in college preparatory agriculture, (3) meet college entrance requirements, and (4) application and selec- tion in the senior year of high school.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

A necessary tool in the process is the so-called code area map, one or more of which is prepared for each county and kept up to date, since the number and location of taxing jurisdictions is constantly changing, There are 5,131 separate taxing jurisdictions in the State at present, the overlapping of which gives rise to approximately 12,000.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

An orderly integration could be accomplished through this procedure during 1960- 61 with the state and counties each supplying one-half the costs. The fact that the Short-Doyle clinics are operating successfully is adequate evidence that the program is also feasible in these addi- tional areas.