Results for 서울시 tax

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2013 Initiative Analysis: California Gun Rights Act

Unknown increase in state sales tax revenue due to increased purchases of firearms, ammunition, and accessories. Reduction in local sales tax revenues of several million dollars annually due to the elimination of local sales taxes on firearm-related purchases.

California's Changing Population [EconTax Blog]

Dec 5, 2014 - As we at the LAO develop our own economic and tax revenue estimates, our process always begins with analysis of key population trends in California. In our recent Fiscal Outlook , we noted our projection that California's population will grow by 0.4 percent to 0.8 percent per year over the next several years.

The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 18, 2017 - The legislation increases existing fuel taxes and creates two new vehicle charges to support existing and new transportation programs. It also repays monies loaned in the past to the General Fund from various transportation accounts.

The 2018-19 Budget: Transportation Proposals

Feb 8, 2018 - Moreover, Caltrans believes the pay ‑at ‑the ‑pump option has a key advantage over the options tested in the S B   1077 p ilot because drivers already are familiar with paying gas taxes when filling up at the pump.

[PDF] Summary Tables 2011-12 Budget Package

Summary Tables 2011-12 Budget Package Summary Tables 2011-12 Budget Package L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E July 1, 2011 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE 1L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E July 1, 2011 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE Actions to Close 2011-12 Budget Gap Expenditure-Related Actions Reduce Medi-Cal spending $2.0 Reduce UC and CSU budgets 1.4 Fund transportation

[PDF] The Instructional Materials Program: A Sunset Review

TAX EXEMPTION FOR INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Department of Education Recommendation: IIIStretch' the Instructional Materials Fund (IMF) for elementary schools by eliminating taxes on instructional materials, which would increase school districts' purchasing power by 6 percent."

March 1996 California Update

Total receipts during Janaury an d February were up $331 million (1.2 percent) from the new budget forecast, largely reflecting gains in personal income taxes (up $259 million) and sales taxes (up $95 million).

Reinvesting in California Schools Act

Tax Increases The measure directs the Legislature to impose new taxes or increase existing taxes to generate revenues sufficient to fund the required spending increases. These additional taxes w ould be phased in over a five-year period corresponding to the phase-in schedule for spending increases.

Overview of the 2003-04 Governor's Budget

New Taxes to Fund Realignment The budget would raise a net of $8.2  billion in new taxes to fund the shift of a like amount of health and social services responsibilities to local governments. The tax increases consist of (1)  a 1  percent increase in the sales and use tax (SUT), (2)  the imposition of 10  percent and 11  percent

[PDF] The Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 (Amendment #1-S)

State and local gov- ernments could realize additional revenues from sales taxes generated by commercial producers of marijuana. The state could also realize additional income tax revenues from the production and sale of marijuana.