Results for homelessness

463 results

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[PDF] The State Appropriations Limit

The state also provides funding for a broad range of programmatic activities, for example, in criminal justice, housing and homelessness, and transportation. However, very little of this funding is counted toward local governments’ limits because funding must be unrestricted to meet the statutory definition of a subvention.

[PDF] The strategies to address homelessness evolved

The strategies to address homelessness evolved given the immediate need to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among people experiencing homelessness and at risk of homelessness. „ Emergency Action Established Project Roomkey to Address Immediate Housing Needs During Pandemic.

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: College of the Law, San Francisco

The program prioritizes employing individuals who were formerly incarcerated or homeless. McAllister Tower Renovation Project Continues. Built in 1929 and purchased by the law school in 1978, the McAllister Tower has served as the school’s main student housing facility.

[PDF] Overview of 2020-21 May Revision State Administration Proposals

„ Should local governments be required to use the properties acquired through Project Roomkey to serve people experiencing homelessness for a certain amount of time? „ How will the state provide oversight and assess progress of Project Roomkey?

[PDF] The rest would support (1)

The rest would support (1) homelessness programs, (2) gambling addiction programs, and (3) tribal economic development and other purposes. Increased State Regulatory Costs. Proposition 27 would create work for the state to regulate online sports betting.

[PDF] Overview of the Legislature’s 2020-21 Budget Package

Housing and Homelessness $203 Million. Governor proposes eliminating infill infrastructure program enacted in 2019-20. Rejects Governor’s proposal.

[PDF] Recent Homelessness-Related Augmentations and Oversight

Administers the federal and state Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Programs. • California Interagency Council on Homelessness (Cal ICH). Administers some state homelessness programs, including the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program (HHAPP).

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: California Volunteers Proposed Program Expansions

Federal law requires that 75 percent of these funds go to programs targeting out-of-school youth ages 16- to 24-years old— including individuals who have dropped out of school, who have been justice-involved, who are or have been in the foster care system, or who are homeless—and that 20 percent be used specifically to support work experience, such as for stipends, paid internships, and wages.

[PDF] Appendix 2 Figure 4 Housing and Homelessness:

Appendix 2 Figure 4 Housing and Homelessness: Discretionary Spending Proposals in the 2022-23 Governor’s Budget General Fund (In Millions) Program or Department Proposal 2021-22 2022-23 SAL

[PDF] Recent State and Federal One-Time K-12 Funding

Formula allocates $1,000 per homeless student. Remaining funding allocated based on 2020-21 Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) apportionments. 4.6b Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Discretionary Block Grant Funds may be used for instructional materials and professional development related to school climate (such as training on de-escalation strategies) and various academic subject areas, including visual and performing arts.