Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: SF Harbor

For Services of San Francisco Firemen Item 340 for services of City and County of San Francisco firemen, $12,000. We recommend approval of the amount requested. For Construction and Improvement Item 341, for construction and improvements, $50,000.


Also there has been an increase in the number of transfers and admissions in the hospital. We recommend that the proposed positions be approved. We recommend deletion of the Property Investigator in the Division of Collections.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Preliminary Statement

Session), was transferred from the General Fund to the Postwar Unemployment and Construction Fund. Of the $90,000,000 appropriated, one-half was allocated to the cities and one- half to the counties cif the State, with allocations, to be made ona matching basis. . -24- " The status of appropriations from these chapters as" o{December. 31, 1954, shows that there

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Judicial

The Supreme Court has become a reviewing court as a result of the fact that most cases are transferred in the first instance' to the district court of appeal for decision and the decisions of that court are con- sidered upon petitions for hearing.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Veterans

The source of funds for the Veterans' Dependents' Education Fund is by transfers from the State Lands Act Fund, which transfer was increased to $300,000 annually by Chapter 1873 of the Statutes of 1955.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Public Works

This is done through the medium of the" Architectural Revolving Fund" into which individual appropriations, or portions of appropriations, are transferred to come under the disbursement control of the Division of Architecture.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Employment

A summary of the transactions of the Department of Employment Contingent Fund is given on budget page 728, which indicates that all accumulated surplus in excess of $100,000, at June 30, 1960; namely, $557,421, is to be transfered to the General Fund of the State.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Corrections

This increase is primarily caused by the addition of one new camp in 1959-60 and the transfer of one mobile camp from the conservation center to this institution in 1960-61. Equipment Equipment expenditures are scheduled at $53,944 for 1960-61.

[PDF] The account is intended prifIlarily to support the California

The account is intended prifIlarily to support the California Highway Patrol and Department of Motor Vehicles as well asto transfer surplus revenues to the State Highway Account for road construction, re~abilitation, and maintenance.

[PDF] 1983-84 Budget Analysis: Tax Relief

Interest is collected ~t the time the deferred taxes are paid by the property owner, which occUrs when oWnership of the property is transferred or sold. Atthe tini~ the program was established, market interest rates averaged about 7 percent.