Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Controller

Other activities of the division include auditing district and county fairs (charged against the Fair and Exposition Fund), State' Treasury cost and security ac- counts, supervision of school district audits, and review of University of California accounts.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE

The Gov- ernment Oode specifies that (1) the state will finance the system's switching centers in Los Angeles and Sacramento and line connections to a single location in each of the 58 counties, and (2) local govern7 ments will bear the costs beyond the state terminal in each county.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

School districts and county superintendents of schools receive $0.50 per pupil in classes taught by instructional televi- sion. Payments under this program, however, shall not exceed one-half the cost to the local agency of providing televised instruction.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL

By the end of the 1970-71 fiscal year this program will emcompass 48 of the 60 county probation departments and include 99 percent of the state's population. Property Tax Relief 1969-70 Proljerty tax relieL________ $244,592,857 1970-71 $319,642,857 Increase Percent $75,050,000 30.7% The budget proposes a 30-percent increase in property tax relief.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Judicial Branch

Except for the major portion of the superior court judges' salaries, the remaining courts are county sup- ported. Section 6 of Article VI created the Judicial Council and provided for its membership and duties.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Executive Branch

Franchise Tax Board __________________ 3,095,006 3,648,467 3,000 3,000 3,092,006 3,645,467 553,461 17.9 () (J) CD General Services, Department of ________ 821,794 986.942 181,052 213,654 640,742, 773,288 13!

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Corrections

The Youth Authority traditionally has directed its programs toward- rehabilitation of the wards it receives from the counties. It should continue its efforts in this regard, but should also direct its vast diagnostic, counseling, casework, and research activities in the institutions and on parol~ to determining and documenting the causes of delinquency.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Transportation Agency

Program elements include: (1) vehicle 29-79869 897 Transportation Agency Items 234-236 Department of Motor Vehicles-Continued ownership, registration documentations and certificate issuance, (2) vehicle fee collection, (3) vehicle record an(l file maintenance, (4) ve- hicle information and sale of records and (5) use tax computation and collection.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Veterans Affairs

VETERANS CLAIMS AND RIGHTS The principal objectives of this program are to (1) assist veterans and their dependents in the preparation of claims for benefits to which they may be entitled under federal, state or local laws, (2) assist vet- erans in establishing veteran eligibility status for Cal-Vet farm and home loans, (3) verify eligibility of veterans and widows for veterans' preference on

[PDF] 1971 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

This raises the policy issue of why the state should be fully reimbursed for its Medi·Cal costs while counties and private providers would bear all of the reductions. Whether the federaJ govern· ment and the courts will approve of this arrangement, is open to question.