Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: General Administration

As a result of the conversion, which is anticipated to take place in November of 1962, 23 positions in the accounting division are being abolished during the budget year. Lines 27 through 62, budget page 25, indicate the positions to be eliminated.

Enrollment by Higher Education Segment [EdBudget]

Jul 20, 2023 - In 2023-24, the state is funding 0.5 percent systemwide enrollment growth, but the expiration of certain emergency provisions result in a projected reduction in budgeted enrollment that year. At CCC, 1 FTE student is 525 contact hours per year, which on average generates about 24 credits.

[PDF] Marijuana Legalization. Initiative Statute.

State law requires that this analysis provide an estimate of the measure’s fi scal impact on the state and local governments.  The fi scal analysis must be submitted to the Attorney General within 50 calendar days from the initiative’s submission date.

[PDF] Overview of Child Care and Expanded Learning Programs for School-Age Children

Under ELOP, programs also must operate at least nine hours per day for 30 days when school is not in session. ASES programs are only required to operate during the school year.

[PDF] The 2022-23 Budget: School Nutrition

Federal Law Requires School Food Service Workers Meet Annual Training Requirements. Food service workers are required to complete six hours of training per year if they are employed full time and four hours if they are employed part time.

[PDF] Proposition 76: Key Issues and Fiscal Effects

In such cases, there would be some ap- propriations for schools (particularly for categori- cal programs) that could be temporarily held at  prior-year levels. However, this would not have  any effect on total school spending required by  Proposition 98 for the fiscal year

"Grade One Through Eight Requirement for Grade Advancement"

Description of the Measure This measure prohibits school districts from advancing students in grades one through eight to the next grade if any of the following conditions apply: A student fails (earns a grade below "D") more than 40 percent of his or her classes during the academic year.

[PDF] School Facilities

Two years ago, state devolved audit responsibilities from OPSC to local independent auditors contracted by districts.  OPSC remains responsible for auditing projects funded prior to April 2017. State School Facility Program Review Processa 1.

Fiscal Oulook 2001, Chapter 3

Revenues in both 2000-01 and 2001-02 are affected by the one-quarter cent "trigger " reduction in the SUT rate that occurred for calendar year 2001. This reduction lowered revenues by about $500  million in 2000-01 and $600  million in 2001-02.

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: Proposed Reauthorization of AB 8 Vehicle Fees

Transportation is the largest single source of GHG emissions—responsible for about 40 percent of total GHG emissions overall, with 25 percent of the total coming from passenger vehicles. This makes vehicles a key area of focus for achieving GHG reductions.