Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] California’s Cash Flow Crisis: May 2009 Update

These actions allowed the Controller to end a one-month halt on tax refunds, payments to local governments, and other payments. The Controller has stated that the state will be able to pay its bills “in full and on time” through the rest of the 2008-09 fiscal year.

[PDF] Perspectives on Helping Low-Income Californians Afford Housing

By far the largest of these programs is the federal and state Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), which provides tax credits to affordable housing developers to cover a portion of their building costs.


All activities of the board are met from the various fees, rentals, ton- nage tax, and other charges which accrue to the Harbor Improvement Fund. The estimated accumulated surplus in the fund is shown at $2,037,- 696 as of June 30,1953, and at $1,758,961 as of June 30, 1954.

[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

The first of these includes 1964-65 tax change proposals which would decrease revenues by $0.25 million. Part of this would be accomplished by a change in the insurance premiums tax and would limit the amount of real prop" erty taxes claimed as principal office deduction to that space occupied by the insurer.

[PDF] Major users of postalserv- ices for which specific estimates of

Major users of postalserv- ices for which specific estimates of the impact of the cost increase were made include the Department of Health ($367,000), the Franchise Tax Board ($400,000), the State Controller ($353,000) and the University ,of California ($466,000).

[PDF] School District Equalization Tax-This

School District Equalization Tax-This tax equalizes for basic aid districts a portion-reaching a maximum of 20 percent in 1980-81-of those expenditures above the foundation program level. 6. Minimum Tax-All districts are required to levy a minimum tax rate of $1.00 for elementary school districts, $.80 for high school districts, and $1.80 for unified school districts. 7.

[PDF] Senior citizens' property tax assistance is

Senior citizens' property tax assistance is available only on that portion of taxes paid on the first $34,000 of full value, after taking into account the $7,000 homeowners' property tax exemption. Assistance disbursed in 1980-81 will be based on taxes paid in 1979-80.

[PDF] LAO 1994 Budget Perspectives and Issues: PERSPECTIVES ON STATE REVENUES

Figure 10 Comparison of Major General Fund Tax Forecasts (In Millions) 1993-94 Personal income taxes $17,535 -$350 Sales taxes 13,748 35 B&C taxes 4,765 -171 Totals, major taxes $36,048 -$486 1994-95 Personal income taxes $18,585 -$420 Sales taxes 12,762 85 B&C

[PDF] 1995 Budget Perspectives and Issues

This is defined as the 1986-87 percentage of General Fund tax revenues provided to K-14 education (as adjusted by property tax shifts that have occurred in the 1990s). ! Test 2—Maintenance of Prior-Year Funding Levels.

1996-97 Budget Analysis: Resources Overview

The Department of Pesticide Regulation's support from a mill tax on pesticide sales will decrease by almost 80 percent with the scheduled reduction in the tax rate on July 1, 1997 . At current expenditure levels, the department will face a major funding shortfall beginning in 1998-99.