Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1962: Budget Analysis: Corrections

For 1962-63, the 23 positions at Chino are reduced to 21 and transferred to the budget of the Rehabilitation Center. These positions will be discussed in the analysis of the Rehabilitation Center budget. .

[PDF] The 2011-12 Budget: Making Targeted Reductions to the Judicial Branch

In view of this, we recommend that the Legislature transfer $100 million to offset the General Fund costs of the trial courts in 2011-12 on a one time-basis. A separate $50 million could be transferred in 2012-13.

Overview of the Governor's Budget: 2007-08

Transportation Transfer of Proposition 42 Funds to Transportation Proposition 42, approved by voters in 2002, requires that revenue from the sales tax on gasoline that previously went to the General Fund be transferred into the Transportation Investment Fund for transportation purposes.

Improving California's Forest and Watershed Management [Publication Details]

Apr 4, 2018 - This report consists of five sections. First, we review the importance of and benefits provided by California’s forests. Second, we provide information regarding how forests are managed in California, including ownership, state and federal policies and programs, and funding.

2001 Budget Analysis: Public Utilities Commission (8660)

The California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) subsidizes telephone service for various entities —50 percent for schools and libraries, 25 percent for community-based organizations, and 20 percent for city- and county-owned hospitals and clinics.

2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Revenues

The budget also proposes to transfer these revenues to a new Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Treatment Fund. This new fund would pay for substance abuse programs that are currently supported by the General Fund.

The 2015-16 Budget: Effectively Implementing The 2014 Water Bond

These include concerns that the program might: Pay Excessive Costs for Water Transfers. The Governor ’s budget proposes bond expenditures in each of the next five fiscal years that could include purchases of water.

Proposed $3 million augmentation to support the new redistricting process.

Apr 21, 2010 - Beyond the $500,000 allocated by JLBC, the BSA has indicated that it will be able to absorb the remaining costs within its existing appropriations from the State Audit Fund —a special fund that receives transfers from the General Fund each year to cover BSA costs.

2018-19 Budget: Voting Equipment for Counties

Mar 16, 2018 - Generally, when counties administer elections for other local governments —cities, special districts, and schools —those local governments pay for the cost of those elections. Local governments often pay counties based on the proportion of the ballot dedicated to the local governments ’ candidates and issues put to the voters.

LAO Publications

August 5, 2013 - The sales and use tax is the state’s second largest revenue source as well as a major funding source for cities, counties, and some special districts. Historically, consumers have spent about the same share of their income each year on taxable items, meaning that sales taxes generally kept pace with growth in the state's economy.