Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

Also included is $8,459,360 for fiscal year adjustments which represent the June 1972 costs carried forward into the budget year, and the pay- ments to counties whose county share of the cost of program increases has exceeded a rate of $0.01 per $100 of assessed valuation as pre- scribed by law.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay

It is anticipated that access facilities to the California aqueduct will be located in Stanislaus, Fresno, Kings, Kern, 79102180 1226 Item 326 CAPITAL OUTLAY Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, and that additional facili- ties will be constructed at state reservoirs in Butte County.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Judicial

None GENERAL PROGRAM STATEMENT Under the provisions of Government Code Section 28206, the state and the counties share the salary cost of each, superior court judge in the following proportions determined by county population.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Executive

The radio and land-line system now serves 52 counties, as to the state- wide warning system and the intercity law network. Over 123 city / county jurisdictions also have compatible equipment. c. Development and Implementation of Emergency Plans The entire capability of the Office of Emergency Services and its sub- sidiary cooperative agencies rests on well-developed plans for action in various kinds of emergencies.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Resources

Under the analysis of Item 224 we have recommended deletion of $240,- 000 in the budget request of the Department of Navigation and Ocean Development for a grant to construct a new launching facility at Brode- rick, Yolo County.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Index

Teale Consolidated Data Center, 176 Subventions, see Local Assistance Supreme Court, 8 T Tahoe Regional Planning Compact (Resources), 416 Tax Assistance, Senior Citizens, 181 Tax Board, Franchise, 251 Taxes and Tax Relief, 106, 176, 181, 182, 185, 186, 199,251 Teachers' Retirement System, 325 Teale, Stephen P., Data Center, 176

[PDF] 1974 Budget Analysis: Judicial

GENERAL PROGF,lAM STATEMENT $13,624,970 13,533,559 12,807,939 None Under the provisions of Government Code Section 28206, the state and the counties share the salary cost of each superior court judge in the following proportions determined by county population.

[PDF] 1974 Budget Analysis: Executive

Through a 100-percent federally funded earthquake planning project initiated last year, OES is assisting local jurisdictions in nine bay area counties and in the Los Angeles-Orange County area to develop ways and means for dealing with major earthquake disasters.

[PDF] 1974 Budget Analysis: Resources

The statutes authorize the board of supervisors of any county to assume the responsibility for fire protection services on state responsibility lands within the county and require the state to pay the counties for performing the service.

[PDF] 1974 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay

Such a plan should, at a mini- mum, indicate (1) number of existing beds by institution and security classification, (2) existing inmate population by institution location, secu- rity classification and inmate's home county, (3) projected inmate popula- tion at each institution including probable mix of security classification and inmate's home county, (4)