Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Tax Relief

Expected high rates of unemployment in 1976 will increase county welfare budgets above normal workload levels. Accurate estimates of 1975-76 assessed value and tax rates cannot be made at this time. To the extent that the budget estimates are low, under, funding will occur on the orderof an additional $6 million in cost for every 10 cent increase in tax rates above the budget amount.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Salaries and Benefits

So do salaries of the Los Angeles City Administrative Officer ($57,712) and City Engineer ($54,664) and the Los Angeles County Administrative Officer ($49,500) and District Attorney ($49,500). Collective Bargaining Could Distort Salaries Further.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

In 1961 grapeleaf skeletonizer was found in Fresno County. It was eradicated there in 1966 but reoccurred in 1968. It has since appeared in Alameda, Kings, Yolo, Sacramento, Placer, El Dorado and Santa Clara Counties.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Business

Chapter 1154, Statutes of 1973, (SB 479) established a pilot program in . the six counties of the South Coast Air Basin (Los Angeles, Orange, River- side, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, and Ventura) for exhaust emission inspection of approximately 6 million light duty vehicles registered in this area.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Health and Welfare

The other 95 percent of funds allocated to prime sponsors by the Department of Labor (DOL) is divided among the 35 (counties and cities) remaining prime sponsors within the state. EDD has made each county a program agent and allocated the funds to the counties on the basis of manpower plans submitted.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Index

Office of (General Services), 228 Assistance to Cities and Counties for Land Under Contract (Local Assistance), 171 Assistance to Counties for Public Defenders (Local Assistance), 55 Athletic Commission, State, 177 Augmentations for Price Increases, TEC and Medi-Cal Providers, 158 Automatic Data Processing (See Electronic Data Processing) Automotive Repair,

[PDF] This high rate of growth in 197fr..77 reflects anticipated

This high rate of growth in 197fr..77 reflects anticipated substantial gains in all three major taxes, with sales taxes up 10.8, percent, personal income taxes up 18.7 percent and bank and corporation taxes up 23.3 percent.

[PDF] The allocation of general revenue sharing among the recipient

The allocation of general revenue sharing among the recipient governments for each entitlement period is made according to statutory formulas using data such as population, general tax effort, and income tax collections.

[PDF] However, other inescapable expenses, induding

However, other inescapable expenses, induding taxes, also are imposed which are in direct relationship to one's irtc6me level. We believe a retirement benefit increase is oflesser priority because this would be a deferred compensation which would do little to assist employees in meeting the current inflationary cost.

[PDF] The Governor's Budget is requesting $55,000 to reimburse the

The Governor's Budget is requesting $55,000 to reimburse the counties for these mandated salary costs in the budget year. SALARIES OF SUPERIOR COURT JUDGES Item 19 from the General Fund Requested 1977-78 ......................................................................... .