Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] The open-space subventions in this item pr9vide replacement

The open-space subventions in this item pr9vide replacement revenues to cities, counties and school districts to compensate for reduced property tax revenues on open-space land. The Secretary of the Resources Agency, through the Department of Conservation, administers subventions to cities and counties.

[PDF] The draft focuses on three selected problem areas: urban sprawl,

The draft focuses on three selected problem areas: urban sprawl, the deterioration of central cities, and the competition for tax base among local jurisdictions. Public review of the draft has been encouraged through 13 workshops held throughout the' state during the summer and fall.

[PDF] The board and its staff also are responsible for establishing

The board and its staff also are responsible for establishing and administering on a reimbursement basis merit sys- tems for city and county welfare, public health and civil defense em- ployees to ensure compliance with federal requirements.

[PDF] ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend approval. / Section

ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend approval. / Section 16140 of the Government Code appropriates General Fund money for open-space subventions to counties, cities and school districts. Item 407 TAX RELIEF / 1071 .

[PDF] The funds are allocated on the basis of local

The funds are allocated on the basis of local tax effort and population. This act was ,extended and amended on October 13, 1976 by the "State and Local Assistance Amendments ofl976," (HR 13367) . The amendments to the act significantly altered the law in regard to auditing requirements.

[PDF] nd Use Tax, 80 Timber Tax

nd Use Tax, 80 Timber Tax Program, 92 Executive, 22 Exposi~on and Fair, California (Parks and Recreation), 418 F Fabric Care, Bureau of, 106 Fair Construction, Engineering Supervision of, 955 Fair Political Practices Commission, 919 Fai;s, County and District, 955 Family Physician Training Program, 442 Federal Funds (Department of Finance), 941

[PDF] The computerized transcription of trial court proceedings

The computerized transcription of trial court proceedings appealed to the appellate courts presently is limited to superior court reporters in several counties within the territory of the Third District Court of Appeal.


LOCAL GOVERNMENT FISCAL AFFAIRS The Local Government Fiscal Affairs program is responsible for (1) prescribing accounting and budgeting requirements for counties and spe- cial districts and reporting local government financial transactions, (2) reviewing and reporting on the use of state gas tax funds, (3) approving county cost plan allocations,

[PDF] Other Major Taxes Table 31 shows that General

Other Major Taxes Table 31 shows that General Fund revenues from taxes other than the three major levies are projected at $1.5 billion, an increase of 10.2 percent (about $140 million) over 1979-80. These taxes include inheritance and gift taxes ($569 million) , the insurance tax ($490 million), the cigarette

[PDF] The allocation of general revenue sharing funds among the

The allocation of general revenue sharing funds among the recipi- ent governments for each entitlement period is made according to statutory formulas using data such as population, general tax effort, and income tax collections; The State and Local Fiscal Assistance Amendment of 1976 extended the program to September 30, 1980.